Do you know how to live an enlightened life? ✨🪻🌙
My dear friend,
How are you today? And what did you do this weekend and during the past week?
I finished the series on the qualities of the 13 different colours of the Wheel of Colours (Abre numa nova janela) this week with the colour crystal, which stands for clarity, transparency and enlightenment, and I have to say, writing about enlightenment brought me a lot of it as well.
This has been such a fascinating journey, and I learned so much through it, which I’d like to share with you in the most useful way.
So if you have any questions about the Wheel of Colours (Abre numa nova janela)or life, and how to best live it, in general, then just send me your question by answering to this email, and I’d be happy to give you an answer in one of the upcoming newsletters or by making a video about it.
(Honestly, you can ask me anything you always wondered about and that you would finally like to know for sure.)
With the Wheel of Colours (Abre numa nova janela) and the CREATRIX School (Abre numa nova janela), you, we all, now have all the tools we need to live an enlightened life, live as and become our authentic selves and realize any dream or idea we might have and change all about this world and our lives that we don’t want or like.
We have the tools and the knowledge to solve all the problems in the world, we just have to start doing it - and I’m here to help with the how.
The journey to any change we wish to create in our lives and in this world always starts with ourselves - and so the Wheel of Colours (Abre numa nova janela) is the perfect place to start if you’d like to begin living an enlightened life, but don’t know how yet.
But even if you don’t have your own personal Wheel of Colours (Abre numa nova janela) yet, or are not yet ready to meet yourself this way, you can use these 13 articles (Abre numa nova janela) to come closer to living an enlightened life, as you will see how you can grow and nourish all the human qualities you need for that.
And what you will gain from reading and understanding this is the absolute freedom to follow your heart’s desires and live a soulful life filled with love and everything else you wish for.
Because you get to decide how you want to live - no one else does.
And you decide your experience with every thought you think, every word you speak and every act you do.
How this all works, you can find out through the articles about the human qualities represented in the Wheel of Colours (Abre numa nova janela), which take us from meeting our basic needs to finding enlightenment.

So we start this journey to enlightenment by looking at how the Wheel of Colours really works (Abre numa nova janela):
The Wheel of Colours (Abre numa nova janela) translates your subconscious approach to life on earth into something that you can understand and work with, and it helps you to clearly see your essence, your strengths, your talents and what you might still have to learn to bring your life into balance.
It's an all-encompassing approach and a philosophy to life, which, when embraced and embodied fully, will help you to live better than anyone you've ever known, and also enable you to help others to live their best lives as well.
Once you see yourself through the Wheel of Colours (Abre numa nova janela), you will have all the tools you need to thrive in life and to recognize yourself as the unique, perfect and magnificent being that you really are.
READ MORE (Abre numa nova janela)

Then we look at the first colour:
The Colour Red – Trust, Passion & Confidence (Abre numa nova janela)
The colour red is the classical first colour in the Wheel of Colours (Abre numa nova janela) because red helps us to strengthen our belief and trust in ourselves, and to go through life confidently and passionately – something we all need to thrive.
Once we activate this colour fully, we will be able to do anything we wish for – because we believe in ourselves.
And when we believe in ourselves, anything becomes possible.
READ MORE (Abre numa nova janela)

From here we move to the second colour:
The Colour Yellow – Warmth, Authentic Connection & Support
The colour yellow is the classical second colour because once we believe in ourselves, we can make even more possible, when we start to collaborate with other people and give and receive support, unconditional love, and have each other’s backs.
And we can use our feelings and emotions to help us guide ourselves back to our true and loving essence here. Because what feels good is good, and the more of what feels good and is good we allow into our lives, the better our lives become.
READ MORE (Abre numa nova janela)

Then we look at the third colour:
The Colour Blue – Intuition, Truth & Inner Knowing (Abre numa nova janela)
Blue is the classical third colour and finishes the first circle within the Wheel of Colours.
Red (Abre numa nova janela) teaches us to trust ourselves and enables us to start any project, or enter into any new situation and relationship confidently, yellow (Abre numa nova janela) then connects us with those we need to succeed on our journey and blue (Abre numa nova janela) leads us back to ourselves, to make sure we are on our unique way and not on somebody else’s by bringing in our intuition and highest knowing.
Once activated, we can always know if we’re doing what’s right for us and therefore can follow through and finish everything that we have started in the best possible way for our life’s journey.
READ MORE (Abre numa nova janela)

This first circle, of the first three fields, helps us to start and finish everything we want to do in life.
It’s the first key to living joyfully and to thrive fully.
Most of us do not have the classical colours here, at least not all of them, and this is because we are all different - and need different things in different situations.
You might have noticed that when following the advice of others, that what works for them, just doesn’t always work for you - the Wheel of Colours (Abre numa nova janela) shows you what works for you as a unique person and how.
And while we might not all have these colours in the first three fields, we all have these colours somewhere in our wheel, and wherever we have them is where we need these qualities the most.
For example, I have yellow, (Abre numa nova janela) the colour for warmth, authentic connection & support in my seventh field, which is the field for safety.
So for me to feel safe, I need to feel loved and supported.
And I have red (Abre numa nova janela), the colour for trust, passion & confidence in my ninth field, which is the field for respect and feeling respected, so I need to trust people to respect them, and I need to confidently be me and had to learn to trust myself as well to respect myself - and it took me a long time to figure this out, or to be more honest, I did not figure this out until I got my Wheel of Colours (Abre numa nova janela) - and so it really changed my whole life and helped my overcome my trust issues.
Some things are easier, and some things are harder for all of us, but once we know even the most difficult things, we can figure them out with patience, love and time.
It’s the not knowing what’s actually wrong, or why things don’t work for us the way they work for others, that makes life stressful.
Here’s another example from my wheel:
To start something, in my first field, I have the colour brown, the colour for transformation and practical & physical action, which means I have to be active and do something to enter into a new situation, something that can be startling to others, and something I tried to change before recognizing myself through the Wheel of Colours - because people always told me to think before I act, when actually I need to act to think.
And so it’s these nuances and recognitions that you can get by looking at your unique Wheel of Colours (Abre numa nova janela), to find out what YOU need in certain situations so that you don’t have to try things any more that are simply not right for you, even if they might work perfectly well for others.
Life just becomes so much more joyful and easy once you find out what you need to thrive in any situation - because when you know, then you can actually get that.

And from here we get to the next circle. That of how to manifest.
For it, we look at the colours green, pink, white and purple.
Green (Abre numa nova janela) helps us to create a clear image of what we want, wish for, or desire. It’s our life energy and helps us to get the process of manifestation or creation going. It guides us to feel the energy and get the idea of what we need in life and to move in that direction.
Pink (Abre numa nova janela) then shows us how we express what we wish for ourselves creatively and white (Abre numa nova janela) helps us to connect with the right people and build strong relationships, as we are all just different aspects of the same divine energy and whatever we do in life has an effect on all of us - so we need to become aware that everything we do has effects on all.
Finally, we come to the colour purple (Abre numa nova janela), which helps us to complete the second circle, guiding us to see the whole and/or healed version of what we wish to create/manifest and by showing our gratefulnesses for what we have created/are in the process of creating.

And now we come to the third circle, that of coming together.
Here we familiarize ourselves with three essential topics, which are the basis for any community: learning & teaching, so we can grow together, respecting each other, so we can live together peacefully and practical action so we can build and create and celebrate and come together in physical form.
We start this circle with the colour orange (Abre numa nova janela), which guides us towards our biggest lesson in life, which we have to learn, integrate and embrace to move on towards a more enlightened and free life.
But it doesn’t only show us what we have to learn, it also shows us how we can best use what we’ve learned to share that with and teach it to others.
Once we’ve integrated this lesson, we are invited to look at and practice living together peacefully, with the colour grey (Abre numa nova janela).
Grey teaches us about equality and how every person is worth just as much as any other person and should have the same rights - something our lived reality is still far away from.
Then from here we come to the colour brown (Abre numa nova janela), which is all about acting with our bodies and creating things in form - this brings us together as humans and allows us to build strong communities - something we need to live fulfilled lives.
Finally, we look at the last three fields, which guide us to truth and enlightenment.

The colour rose (Abre numa nova janela) helps us to use our senses, so we can recognize the surrounding truth. Black (Abre numa nova janela) then leads us to recognizing our inner truth and finally, crystal (Abre numa nova janela) helps us to clearly communicate both, the truth from within and the truth from without - thus guiding us to living an enlightened life.
And with this, we really have all we need to live life in the best possible way.
But the truth is not always easy to hear, and it takes bravery to always speak our truth as well.
Yet, this is necessary if we want to make our lives easier, more joyful and more successful.
So, if you’d like to find out all you need to thrive in life, and, once you know what you need, would also like to learn how to get that, then the Wheel of Colours (Abre numa nova janela) will allow you to do so in the best, clearest and quickest way I know.
Are you ready to discover your true colours and to start living your best life, the life you were always meant to live?

With this, I send you all my love and wish you a great Sunday evening and start to the new week.
Remember, you were born to live this life joyfully, and with ease, and there’s no one and nothing keeping you from doing so - but you yourself.

More from the CREATRIX School (Abre numa nova janela) coming soon, meanwhile, why don’t you check out the chapter on GROWTH (Abre numa nova janela)?
It was one of my favourite chapters as we talk and think about the universal spiritual laws and how we can best use them to live a happy, healthy and balanced life and to grow just in the way we’re meant to, to become our most thriving selves yet.