Why Do You Do What You Do? 🌈🌷
Dear Creatrix,
Why do you wake up in the morning?
What is your reason to keep going when things are tough?
Why do you do what you do, and is it also what you wish you would be doing?
We have this one lifetime, we already had many before this one which have brought us here now, and most likely we will have many more after this one, if this is what we will choose and what is most beneficial to our own expansion and that of the universe.
But what was and will be is relatively irrelevant if we don’t think about the NOW.
Writing about all the colours (Abre numa nova janela) of the Wheel of Colours (Abre numa nova janela) in the past few weeks has shown me just how deep this all encompassing system goes and how, if we really take the lessons the colours teach us to our hearts and integrate the qualities of all our colours, our gifts and talents into our lives and then begin to live life proudly and confidently as our unique selves - we reach a state of enlightenment automatically.
I’m about to finish the last article on clarity, transparency and enlightenment, and it was such a fascinating journey to get there - because what came out of these 13 articles (Abre numa nova janela) about the different colours in our life, is really a life philosophy, one I was guided to write, just receiving the last bits of information on how to use transparency to create an equal society in the past few days.
The colour black (Abre numa nova janela), takes us back to ourselves, to look and find answers within, and is the last step we need to be able to live an enlightened life.
But it also teaches us how we can work and live freely and according to our unique wishes and talents.
And it teaches us about honesty and being honest with ourselves as well.
Before we get to the introspection, though, the colour rose (Abre numa nova janela) teaches us about how we can use our senses to learn more about ourselves, and what’s right and wrong for us. It helps us to smell lies, to act tastefully, and to not close our eyes and ears to the truth around us.
It also teaches us about honesty. About honestly seeing what is and not turning away from it, from the suffering, the pain and the destruction of our world, our planet, animals, nature and other human beings.
If we think it doesn’t concern us, we just don’t know that it does yet, but we always have the opportunity to open our hearts to all there is.
But it’s only when we look things in the eye that we can begin to change them - and we need to change what limits us if we want to be free.
And so the last lessons of the wheel turn into lessons of truth.
They invite us to see what is going on around us for what it is, they invite us to look within and see what’s inside of us honestly and openly and without fear, and then they invite us to communicate what we find - within and without - with the world around us, share what we see and feel and our unique truth and live that honestly and freely.
Because each of us matter just as much as anyone else - and only when each of us lives life honestly, openly, freely as our true selves, the picture will be complete.
When we master all three of these, honesty of what is going on around us, honesty with ourselves, and truthful communication of our unique truth - we find enlightenment - because then nothing remains hidden, and we can begin to live in our full truth and power.
And we need enlightened living now more than ever, if we want to bring more peace into the world, as peace in the world can only be created by allowing ourselves to find inner peace first.
What we perceive and can live on the outside, always has to be found or created on the inside first.
So why do you do what you do?
How do you spend your days and what do you focus on?
Does it bring you soul fulfilment and happiness? Does it allow you to grow into your true self and all you can be? And if not, what can you do to change that?
The Wheel of Colours (Abre numa nova janela) can give us answers to all these questions, by helping us understand what we need in life, each of us, uniquely, to live a fulfilled and happy and fully expressed life.
So what are you waiting for?
Are you ready to discover your true self and to experience the happiness of living as your true self?

I also had the honour to speak with Loot Byron Smith on the Enlightened, Empowered, Evolved (Abre numa nova janela) podcast about my work and our life philosophies, it’s a sweet quick 30 minute talk, so if you’d like to learn more about me and my work, you can watch the interview here (Abre numa nova janela).

The Colour Rose – Sensing, Individuality & Honesty
Our senses help us find our way in life, our eye-sight shows us the world around us, we can hear what other people have to say, or the birds sing, we can talk and express ourselves, feel, smell, taste, and we can also use our psychic abilities to know what is going on in the formless world – and then we can honestly communicate our unique perspective and perception.
For some of us, usually those who have the colour rose at the beginning of their wheel, it is important and natural to use their sensory and extra-sensory perception before important tasks in their lives…
read more (Abre numa nova janela)

The Colour Black – Meditation, Introspection & Reflection
The colour black takes us inside to ourselves, our internal world, to see what we make of the things we sense and see and to reflect on them so that we can move on and forward in the best possible way.
For some of us, usually those who have black at the beginning of their wheel, it might seem hard to break out of their shell, for those, it’s easy to go deep and look within, reflect and rejoice. Yet, going out and sharing the beauty from within might be a little harder and something they can work on because they have many valuable insights to share, while others (those with black in the second half of their wheel) have to learn to meditate, look within and grow that connection to their own soul and inner beauty over time by learning the lessons life presents them with.
Which is true for you?
read more (Abre numa nova janela)

Tobby and I also had some fun outside as the days are getting warmer and we both send you our love.

More from the CREATRIX School (Abre numa nova janela) coming soon, meanwhile, why don’t you check out the chapter on GROWTH (Abre numa nova janela)?
It was one of my favourite chapters as we talk and think about the universal spiritual laws and how we can best use them to live a happy, healthy and balanced life and to grow just in the way we’re meant to, to become our most thriving selves yet.