Who do you wish to be? ☀️🌻
Dear Creatrix,
One of the things I wish for is that every person, or as many people as possible, or just you and me, fully begin to understand how incredibly powerful we are and that every thought, every word, and every act has an impact.
How much we could do if we would really use all the power we have!
If we trained having a positive impact in everything we think, say and do.
If we based all of our life on love and not on fear.
I’ve been training for a while, to become a gentle steward of my mind, and I’m happy that I got and get to help others to train this as well, because every little bit counts.
Every day that you and I have one more positive thought than the day before, the world is already changed for the better, and the ripple effects will be immense, in our own lives and in that of others.
Every thought is the beginning of a creation, I don’t think there is anything more important for us to understand about life.
I’ve also been thinking about what mastery means when it comes to living our lives.
How can I become masterful at living life?
Or, as I like to call it, how can I, you, we all - become the qu_ing (Abre numa nova janela)s we were always meant to be? How can we live as the divine beings that we are?
And like with everything, we have a choice here.
We can choose to react to what the world presents to us, and grow with the challenges that appear in our lives, and to reach mastery (hopefully/possibly) at the end of our lives when we look back and see how every step we took made sense, but then we won’t have the chance or, very little, to actually put what we’ve learned to good use.
Or we can set the tone for our lives now, by finding out what we’re here to learn and do and then do that, fully, lovingly, happily.
The Wheel of Colours (Abre numa nova janela) is perfect at showing each of us what we need to know exactly to live our lives to the best of our abilities, what our gifts are and how we can be happy and free.
But knowing and slowly understanding what we need and can possibly do and be is only the first step, the second is to put this knowledge to the test and to practice it.
And for that, I’ve founded the CREATRIX School (Abre numa nova janela)so that every person can find the clarity they need in all areas of their life to thrive in life and create happy lives for themselves - and with that, spread more happiness in the world for all to enjoy.
As I see it, it is only by creating a better alternative to what we currently have, that we can change the current circumstances and overcome wars, and other injustices.
And each of us can contribute to that every day, by creating and living their lives consciously, by not feeding into the low energies around them/us, but by raising them whenever possible.
And we do that by finding out who we wish to be and how to be that, and how we can create and have everything needed for that in every area of our lives.
Because mastery means to be faster than fate, by deciding how we wish to live our lives and who we wish to be, and then letting that life experience open up right in front of us.
Often it seems like doing the inner work to change things is difficult, but letting life happen to us, is actually much harder.
We have all the possibilities, we simply have to stop for a second, focus on what we wish for and then allow exactly that to come to us, without our interference by pushing, pulling or manipulating or feeling hopeless or like it’s not up to us - because it really is.
It is a form of art, one I plan to perfect and share with as many people as possible - because what’s more important than making this life the best it could possibly be?

Apart from thinking about that and now sharing that with you, I also went to see some art this weekend, which was enriching and inspiring, and I gave my little seedlings a place to grow into their true and fully expanded, blossoming and thriving selves, and I finished two more articles on the colours (Abre numa nova janela), which make up our lives.

The Colour Grey – Authenticity, Equality, Honour & Respect
Finding a good balance between honour and respect and authenticity is something that many people struggle with.
Questions that arise here are around what’s right or wrong, what’s worth more or less, and how each of us fits into this whole system and can find their place and freely flourish and shine.
For some of us, usually those who have grey at the beginning of their wheel, to honour and respect what or whom they engage with plays a big role in their lives, while others (those with grey in the second half of their wheel) have to learn to honour and respect themselves first to manage their internal lives.
Which is true for you?
read more (Abre numa nova janela)

The Colour Brown - Transformation and Practical & Physical Action
The qualities of the colour brown go beyond what we think and believe about why we are and do things a certain way, and that is because brown is about the form, about our physical body, and what it can do.
As human beings we cannot just think and listen, understand, speak or explain – we also need to act and be physically active to be well and alive in this world and for everything that is internal to show up in the external world as well.
As humans, we need to move our bones and muscles, and we have an inherent drive to create things and be with others in physical form.
But, if you, like me, were raised…
read more (Abre numa nova janela)
I wish you a lovely rest of the weekend and a great start to the new week, and send you all my love.

More from the CREATRIX School (Abre numa nova janela) coming soon, meanwhile, why don’t you check out the chapter on Relationships (Abre numa nova janela)?
In this chapter, we look at how we can create the relationships we really wish for by exploring our desires, learning how to communicate and apologize well, using visualisation and much more.