Política Legal

Muito obrigado por se juntar a nós e seja bem-vindo. Steady é uma plataforma de subscrição onde pode comprar subscrições de várias publicações, por exemplo para apoiar um projeto ou para obter acesso exclusivo a conteúdos media. Normalmente compra-se a subscrição diretamente da Steady. A Steady é o vendedor e, portanto, o seu parceiro contratual. Os seguintes termos e condições gerais são aplicáveis aqui.

Para algumas publicações, a Steady apenas medeia a venda de subscrições em nome de uma publicação. Neste caso, a Steady não é o vendedor, mas sim o vendedor da publicação e, portanto, o seu parceiro contratual. Aqui - além das respetivas condições gerais da publicação - são aplicáveis as nossas "Condições especiais de venda para a compra de produtos digitais de terceiros".

Contacte-nos se tiver alguma dúvida. Teremos todo o gosto em ajudá-lo.

Thank you very much for joining us and welcome. Steady is a membership platform where you can purchase memberships for various publications, for example to support a project or to get exclusive access to media content.
Usually you purchase your membership directly from Steady. Steady is the seller and therefore your contractual partner. The following general terms and conditions apply here.

For some publications, Steady merely mediates the sale of memberships on behalf of a publication. In this case, Steady is not the seller, but the publication seller and therefore your contractual partner. Here – in addition to the respective general terms and conditions of the publication – our "Special sales conditions for the purchase of digital goods of third parties" apply.

Please contact us if you have any questions. We are happy to help you.

Thank you very much for joining us and welcome. Steady is a membership platform where you can purchase memberships for various publications, for example to support a project or to get exclusive access to media content.
Usually you purchase your membership directly from Steady. Steady is the seller and therefore your contractual partner. The following general terms and conditions apply here.

For some publications, Steady merely mediates the sale of memberships on behalf of a publication. In this case, Steady is not the seller, but the publication seller and therefore your contractual partner. Here – in addition to the respective general terms and conditions of the publication – our "Special sales conditions for the purchase of digital goods of third parties" apply.

Please contact us if you have any questions. We are happy to help you.

Termos do Serviço

Estes Termos de Serviço foram traduzidos do alemão para a sua conveniência. A versão original em Alemão é a versão legal vigente. Em qualquer disputa, prevalece a versão original em alemão.

§ 1 Âmbito

(1) Estes Termos de Serviço, conforme fornecidos pela empresa, Steady Media GmbH, localizada em Wattstr. 11, 13355 Berlin (o licenciante), cobrem os termos dos contratos de entrega de dados pelo licenciante a um utilizador ou empresa (o licenciado) em formato digital (conteúdos digitais).

(2) Os Termos de Serviço aplicam-se a todos os conteúdos digitais que o licenciante disponibilizar diretamente ao licenciado através do seu sítio web ou de outros sistemas técnicos. Estes também se aplicam quando o licenciante disponibiliza os conteúdos através de um sítio web ou outro sistema técnico (por exemplo, através de e-mail, ligação ou numa área para membros protegida por palavra-passe) em nome de um terceiro contratualmente responsável (o editor)

(3) A inclusão expressa ou implícita dos próprios acordos comerciais ou termos de licenciamento do licenciado é rejeitada, a menos que expressamente acordado.

(4) Para efeitos dos presentes Termos de Serviço um consumidor é uma pessoa singular que celebra um contrato legal para fins não relacionados com atividades profissionais comerciais ou independentes (§ 13 do Código Civil Alemão). Uma empresa é uma pessoa singular ou jurídica ou uma entidade que celebra um contrato legal relacionado com as suas atividades profissionais comerciais ou independentes (§ 14 do Código Civil Alemão).

§ 2 Assunto

(1) O licenciante permite que o licenciado utilize um quiosque digital para aceder a conteúdos digitais sob um modelo de assinatura (assinaturas), que está sujeito a estes Termos de Serviço.

(2) O licenciante transfere o direito de usar e explorar os conteúdos de editores que detêm direitos de autor sobre esses conteúdos digitais, e que licenciam isso mediante solicitação do licenciado através de seu quiosque digital.

(3) Os conteúdos digitais são descritos em subpáginas específicas do editor do sítio web da licenciadora. As assinaturas concederão benefícios, tais como acesso antecipado ou exclusivo aos conteúdos digitais. Os termos contratuais precisos das assinaturas serão definidos por cada descrição de assinatura individual. Se o editor fornecer quaisquer outros conteúdos digitais gratuitamente ou com um custo, além do conteúdo licenciado pelo licenciado, estes não estarão sujeitos aos Termos de Serviço em vigor.

(4) Ao celebrar um contrato de compra de uma assinatura de conteúdos digitais, o licenciante é obrigado a fornecer ao licenciado os conteúdos digitais definidos para o período contratual acordado, e a conceder direitos de utilizador específicos (ver § 8).

(5) A compra de assinaturas requer que o licenciado complete um registo único, abrindo uma conta de utilizador com o licenciante e aceitando estes Termos de Serviço. O registo é gratuito. As condições estão definidas no § 4.

(6) O licenciado reconhece e concorda especificamente que, com base na assinatura, a gama e o tipo de conteúdos digitais podem mudar regularmente e dependem do número total de assinaturas. Os números-alvo específicos (objetivos) definidos pelo editor para o período estabelecidos no § 6, relacionados com os conteúdos digitais definidos, podem ser encontrados regularmente na subpágina específica do editor.

(7) Existe uma relação contratual apenas entre o licenciante e o licenciado. Estes Termos de Serviço não estabelecem ou regulam uma relação contratual entre o licenciado e a Editora.

§ 3 Finalização do contrato

(1) O texto e descrição publicados no sítio web do licenciante representam uma oferta vinculativa da oferta de serviços do licenciante.

(2) O licenciado pode aceitar a oferta de serviço do licenciador utilizando a função de registo online no sítio web do licenciador ou outro sistema técnico. Adicionalmente, o licenciado pode aceitar a oferta de serviço descrita de um editor terceiro que tenha celebrado um acordo com o licenciante e seja nomeado como parte contratual.

(3) O licenciado aceita a oferta de serviço do licenciante selecionando uma assinatura específica para a entrega de bens digitais, colocando-a num carrinho de compras virtual e concluindo o processo de encomenda online. O contrato é legalmente vinculativo quando o licenciado clica no botão final no processo de encomenda eletrónica. Neste momento, o contrato torna-se efetivo.

§ 4 Conta de Utilizador

(1) Ao aceitar uma oferta e preencher um processo de encomenda online, o texto contratual do licenciante será guardado e enviado ao licenciado por e-mail, juntamente com o texto dos Termos de Serviço atuais.

(2) Antes de finalizar um contrato vinculativo através do processo de encomenda online, o licenciado pode introduzir e corrigir os seus dados utilizando o teclado e o rato. Todos os detalhes inseridos antes da finalização da encomenda serão apresentados numa mensagem de confirmação e podem ser corrigidos utilizando o teclado e o rato.

(3) O contrato será celebrado na língua alemã.

(4) O processo de encomenda e a conclusão do contrato ocorre através de e-mail e processamento automático de encomendas.

(5) O licenciado tem de se certificar de que o endereço eletrónico e as informações de pagamento fornecidos durante o processo de encomenda estão corretos, para que possa receber e-mails do licenciante. O endereço eletrónico fornecido também é necessário para receber e-mails dos editores. O licenciado compromete-se a manter o endereço eletrónico fornecido atualizado e tem de garantir que os e-mails do licenciado não serão bloqueados por filtros de spam.

(6) O licenciado tem a possibilidade de alterar os seus pedidos de assinatura através da sua conta de utilizador. As cópias das faturas dos três meses anteriores podem ser encontradas na conta de utilizador.

§ 5 Modelo das assinaturas e preço

(1) O licenciado concederá ao licenciante uma taxa de licença para o processamento da assinatura solicitada para o conteúdo digital.

(2) O valor da taxa de licença é estabelecido em cada descrição da assinatura. Todos os preços são inclusivos e contêm o imposto sobre o valor acrescentado em vigor.

(3) O pagamento das taxas do licenciado será feito antecipadamente à totalidade do período efetivo, que corresponde ao período de faturação.

(4) Os pagamentos de países fora da União Europeia podem, em certos casos, implicar custos adicionais que têm de ser pagos pelo licenciado. Por exemplo, pode haver custos adicionais impostos pelas instituições de crédito para transferência de dinheiro ou conversão de moeda.

(5) O licenciador oferece vários métodos de pagamento, que estão descritos na sua forma atual no sítio web do licenciador. A política de privacidade de dados está incluída numa declaração de política de privacidade de dados distinta.

§ 6 Período do Contrato

(1) As assinaturas têm duração ilimitada e podem ser canceladas a qualquer momento sem aviso prévio ou fundamentação por cada parte antes do final do ciclo de assinatura atual (por exemplo, mensal ou anual).

(2) O licenciado não tem direito ao reembolso da taxa de licença quando cancelar o seu contrato antes do final do período efetivo. Isto não é aplicável se o licenciado tiver usado o seu direito a um cancelamento extraordinário nos termos do parágrafo 5, e tiver dado aviso de cancelamento.

(3) Se o licenciante cancelar o contrato antes do final do período efetivo sem qualquer cancelamento pelo licenciado, o licenciado receberá um reembolso da taxa de licença pré-paga na proporção do período restante.

(4) Para que seja vinculativo, um aviso de cancelamento tem de ser entregue por escrito (por exemplo, através de e-mail). O cancelamento também pode ocorrer através da conta de utilizador.

(5) Existe o direito ao cancelamento extraordinário por justa causa. Existe justa causa quando a parte rescisora, tendo considerado todas as circunstâncias individuais, e tendo em conta o interesse de ambas as partes, determina que a continuação do contrato até ao final do período contratual não pode ser expectável.

§ 7 Entrega de Conteúdo, Funcionalidade e Limitação

(1) O licenciante entregará conteúdos digitais de acesso exclusivamente em formato eletrónico por e-mail, por descarga ou outro método de acesso especificado através do sítio web ou outro sistema técnico. Alternativamente, o conteúdo pode ser entregue através de um sítio web ou sistema técnico de terceiros, conforme especificado pelo licenciante. O licenciado pode ser obrigado a iniciar sessão no sítio web do terceiro utilizando os dados fornecidos pelo licenciante.

(2) Funcionalidade, restrições técnicas e proteções técnicas, se em vigor, podem ser encontradas na descrição da assinatura. Quaisquer restrições de entrega que possam ocorrer também podem ser encontradas na descrição da assinatura.

§ 8 Concessão de Direitos de Utilização

(1) O licenciante concede ao licenciado um direito de uso não exclusivo e intransferível sobre os conteúdos digitais fornecidos, sem restrições de tempo ou lugar, exclusivamente para uso pessoal e privado. Todo e qualquer uso comercial é proibido.

(2) É proibida qualquer transferência dos conteúdos digitais fornecidos, sob qualquer forma, para uma terceira pessoa, ou a criação de cópias fora das limitações destes Termos de Serviço, exceto se a transferência dos direitos para uma terceira pessoa seja expressamente permitida por escrito pelo licenciante.}

(3) Os direitos de uso tornam-se efetivos apenas quando o licenciado tiver cumprido suas obrigações contratuais e feito os pagamentos necessários. O licenciante pode permitir o uso dos conteúdos digitais especificados antes deste ponto. Tal período provisório não representa uma transferência de direitos.

§ 9 Conteúdo de Bens Digitais e Direitos de Autor

O licenciador, conforme como estabelecido no § 2, lida com bens digitais fornecidos pelo detentor dos direitos de autor. O licenciante é um revendedor. Os conteúdos digitais provêm exclusivamente do editor e não do licenciador. A identidade de cada editor é publicada na subpágina de aviso legal de cada editor. O licenciador trata do conteúdo e estabelece uma licença para a sua utilização. Os conteúdos digitais não representam a opinião do licenciante ou de qualquer dos seus funcionários. O licenciante não aprova nem defende os conteúdos digitais de terceiros.

§ 10 Direito de Revogação

Os consumidores (conforme definido no § 1 Parágrafo 4) têm um direito básico de revogação. Mais informações sobre direitos de revogação estão contidas na política de revogação do licenciante. Este direito de revogação pode ser renunciado antecipadamente pelo consumidor em situações excecionais. O consumidor será informado sobre a possibilidade de renunciar aos seus direitos no processo de encomenda da assinatura.

§ 11 Responsabilidade por Defeitos

Os regulamentos legalmente estipulados são aplicáveis.

§ 12 Proteções de dados

As informações sobre proteção de dados são publicadas na política de proteção de dados no sítio web do licenciador. O licenciado autoriza expressamente o licenciante a transferir os seus dados para editores específicos dos quais o licenciado solicitou uma assinatura para o fornecimento de conteúdos digitais licenciados durante o período de vigência do contrato. O direito de transferência de dados estende-se apenas aos dados necessários para o cumprimento do contrato de licença especificado (tais como nome, endereço, endereço eletrónico, período de contrato, assinatura e cancelamento). Os dados da conta e de pagamento não serão transferidos em circunstância alguma, a menos que o licenciante seja obrigado a fazê-lo por lei ou regulamento. O licenciado pode opor-se a futuras transferências de dados a qualquer momento.

§ 13 Disposições Finais

(1) São aplicáveis os direitos da República Federal da Alemanha, excluindo as disposições da Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre Contratos de Compra e Venda Internacional de Mercadorias. Nos casos em que o licenciado seja uma empresa, uma pessoa jurídica de direito comum ou um fundo público especial, a jurisdição para todos os litígios relativos a contratos e Termos de Serviço entre o licenciante e o licenciado será o local de registo do licenciante. Isto não se aplica aos consumidores.

(2) Para os licenciados que sejam consumidores, o local de jurisdição será o endereço postal registrado do consumidor. Para os litígios relativos ao presente contrato e aos Termos de Serviço, um local de jurisdição adicional para os consumidores cujo domicílio seja na Alemanha será o local de registo do licenciante. Para os consumidores com domicílio na Áustria, o local de jurisdição será Viena e para os consumidores na Suíça, o local de jurisdição será Berna.

(3) O licenciante se reserva-se o direito de alterar estes Termos de Serviço sem aviso prévio a qualquer momento. O licenciante informará o licenciado de quaisquer alterações ao seu endereço eletrónico registrado. Os Termos de Serviço emendados são considerados aceites se o licenciado não recorrer contra eles por escrito ou por e-mail no período de seis semanas após o recebimento da notificação das emendas.

§ 14 Assistência, Informações do Fornecedor de Serviços e Solução de Litígios Online

Os pedidos de assistência e serviços podem ser enviados pelo licenciado para o licenciante enquanto fornecedor de serviços responsável. Os pedidos também podem ser direcionados para os editores, desde que o licenciante não se tenha oposto especificamente e informado o licenciado por escrito. As informações do prestador de serviços são publicadas no aviso legal do sítio web do licenciante, que também contém informações sobre a resolução de litígios on-line.

Atualizado: dezembro de 2016

These Terms of Service have been translated from German for your convenience. The original German version is the effective legal version. In any dispute, the original German version shall prevail.

§ 1 Scope

(1) These Terms of Service, as offered by the company, Steady Media GmbH, located at Wattstr. 11, 13355 Berlin (the licensor), cover the terms for contracts for the delivery of data by the licensor to a user or company (the licensee) in digital form (digital content).

(2) The Terms of Service apply to all digital content the licensor makes directly available to the licensee through its website or other technical systems. They also apply when the licensor makes content available via a website or other technical system (for example, via email, link or in a password protected members' area) on behalf of a contractually responsible third party (the publisher)

(3) The expressed or implied inclusion of the licensee's own business agreements or licensing terms is rejected unless expressly agreed.

(4) For the purposes of these Terms of Service, a consumer is a natural person who enters into a legal contract for purposes not related to commercial or self-employed professional activities (§ 13 German civil code). A company is a natural or legal person or entity who enters into a legal contract in connection to their commercial or self-employed professional activities (§ 14 German civil code).

§ 2 Subject Matter

(1) The licensor allows the licensee to use a digital kiosk to access to digital content under a subscription model (subscriptions), which is subject to these Terms of Service.

(2) The licensor transfers the right to use and exploit content from publishers who hold copyright over such digital content, and who license this upon the request of the licensee via its digital kiosk.

(3) The digital content is described on publisher-specific sub-pages of the website of the licensor. Subscriptions shall grant benefits, for example, early or exclusive access to digital content. The precise contractual terms of the subscriptions shall be defined by each individual subscription description. Should the publisher offer any other digital content free of charge or at a cost, in addition to the content licensed by the licensee, this shall not be subject to the current Terms of Service.

(4) Upon entering into an agreement to purchase a subscription for digital content, the licensor is obliged to provide the licensee with the defined digital content for the agreed contractual period, and to grant specific user rights (see § 8).

(5) The purchasing of subscriptions requires the licensee to complete a one-time registration by opening a user account with the licensor and accepting these Terms of Service. Registration is free of charge. The conditions are set out in § 4.

(6) The licensee recognizes and specifically agrees that, based on the subscription, the range and type of digital content can regularly change and is dependent on the number of total subscriptions. Specific target numbers (goals) defined by the publisher for the period as set out under § 6, related to the defined digital content, can be regularly found on the publisher-specific sub-page.

(7) A contractual relationship exists solely between the licensor and the licensee. These Terms of Service do not establish or regulate a contractual relationship between the licensee and the Publisher.

§ 3 Contract Completion

(1) The text and description published on the licensor's website represents a binding offer of the licensor's service offer.

(2) The licensee can accept the licensor's service offer by using the online registration function on the licensor's website or other technical system. Additionally, the licensee can accept the described service offer of a third-party publisher who has entered into an agreement with the licensor and is named as a contractual party.

(3) The licensee accepts the licensor's service offer by selecting a specific subscription for the delivery of digital goods, placing it in a virtual shopping cart, and completing the online order process. The contract is legally binding once the licensee clicks the final button in the electronic order process. At this point the contract becomes effective.

§ 4 User Account

(1) Upon accepting an offer and completing an online order process, the licensor's contractual text will be saved and sent to the licensee by email, together with the text of the current Terms of Service.

(2) Before finalizing a binding contract via the online order process, the licensee can input and correct their details using the keyboard and mouse. All details entered prior to the order finalization will be displayed in a confirmation message and can be corrected using the keyboard and mouse.

(3) The contract will be completed in the German language.

(4) The ordering process and contract completion takes place via email and automated order processing.

(5) The licensee must ensure that the email address and payment information entered during the ordering process is correct so that they can receive emails from the licensor. The provided email address is also required to receive emails from publishers. The licensee commits to keeping the provided email address up-to-date and must ensure that emails from the licensee will not be blocked by spam filters.

(6) The licensee has the possibility to amend their subscription orders via their user account. Copies of invoices from the previous three months can be found in the user account.

§ 5 Subscription Model and Price

(1) The licensee shall grant the licensor a license fee for processing the requested subscription for digital content.

(2) The amount of the license fee is set out in each subscription description. All prices are inclusive and contain lawful value-added tax.

(3) The payment of licensee fees will be made in advance of the entire effective period, which corresponds to the billing period.

(4) Payments from countries outside the European Union may in certain cases carry further costs which must be paid by the licensee. For example, there may be additional costs imposed by credit institutions for transferring money or converting currency.

(5) The licensor offers various payment methods, which are described in their current form on the licensor’s website. The data privacy policy is contained in a separate data privacy policy declaration.

§ 6 Contract Period

(1) Subscriptions are unlimited in duration and can be ended at any time without notice or grounds by each party before the end of the current subscription cycle (for example, monthly or yearly).

(2) The licensee has no right to a refund of the license fee when they cancel their contract before the end of the effective period. This does not apply if the licensee has used their right to an extraordinary cancellation under paragraph 5, and has given notice of their cancellation.

(3) If the licensor cancels the contract before the end of the effective period without any cancellation by the licensee, the licensee shall receive a refund of the pre-paid license fee in proportion to the remaining period.

(4) A cancellation notice must be delivered in text form (such as via email) in order to be effective. Cancellation can also occur via the user account.

(5) The right to extraordinary cancellation for good cause exists. Good cause exists when the terminating party, having considered all individual circumstances, and taking into account the interest of both parties, determines that the continuation of the contract until the end of the contractual period cannot be expected.

§ 7 Content Delivery, Functionality and Limitation

(1) The licensor shall deliver access digital content exclusively in electronic form by email, per download or another specified access method via the website or other technical system. Alternatively, content may be delivered via a third-party website or technical system as specified by the licensor. The licensee may be required to log in to the website of the third party using data provided by the licensor.

(2) Functionality, technical restrictions and technical protections, if in effect, can be found in the subscription description. Any delivery restrictions that may occur can also be found in the subscription description.

§ 8 Granting of Usage Rights

(1) The licensor grants the licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable usage right over the provided digital content, unrestricted by time or place, exclusively for personal private use. Any and all commercial use is forbidden.

(2) Any transfer of the provided digital content in any form to a third person, or the creation of copies outside the limitations of these Terms of Service is not permitted, unless the transfer of rights to a third person is expressly permitted in written form by the licensor.

(3) The usage rights become effective only once the licensee has fulfilled their contractual obligations and made the required payments. The licensor may allow the use of the specified digital content before this point. Such a provisional period does not represent a transfer of rights.

§ 9 Content of Digital Goods and Copyright

The licensor, as set out in § 2, handles digital goods provided by the copyright holder. The licensor is a reseller. Digital content originates exclusively from the publisher, and not the licensor. The identity of each publisher is published on the legal notice sub-page of each respective publisher. The licensor handles the content and establishes a license for its use. The digital content does not represent the opinions of the licensor or any of its employees. The licensor does not condone or uphold the digital content from third parties.

§ 10 Right of Revocation

Consumers (as defined in § 1 Paragraph 4) have a basic right of revocation. Further information about revocation rights are contained in the revocation policy of the licensor. This revocation right can be waived in advance by the consumer in exceptional situations. The consumer will be informed about the possibility of waiving their rights in the subscription ordering process.

§ 11 Liability for Defects

Legally stipulated regulations apply.

§ 12 Data Protections

Data protection information is published in the data protection policy on the licensor's website. The licensee expressly allows the licensor to transfer their data to specific publishers from which the licensee has requested a subscription for the delivery of licensed digital content for the duration of the contractual period. The right to transfer data extends only to the data necessary in order to fulfill the specified license agreement (such as name, address, email address, contract period, subscription and cancellation). Account and payment data will under no circumstances be transferred, unless the licensor is required to do so by law or regulation. The licensee can object to future data transfers at any time.

§ 13 Final Provisions

(1) The rights of the Federal Republic of Germany apply, excluding the provisions of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. In cases where the licensee is a company, a legal person under common law or a special public fund, the jurisdiction for all disputes relating to contracts and Terms of Service between the licensor and licensee shall be the licensor's place of registration. This does not apply to consumers.

(2) For licensees who are consumers, the place of jurisdiction shall be the consumer's registered home address. For disputes relating to this contract and Terms of Service, an additional place of jurisdiction for consumers whose home address is in Germany shall be the licensor's place of registration. For consumers whose home address is in Austria, the place of jurisdiction shall be Vienna, and for consumers in Switzerland, the place of jurisdiction shall be Bern.

(3) The licensor reserves the right to amend these Terms of Service without notice at any time. The licensor shall inform the licensee of any amendments to their registered email address. The amended Terms of Service are considered to be accepted if the licensee does not appeal against them in written form or email within six weeks of receiving notice of the amendments.

§ 14 Support, Service Provider Information and Online Dispute Settlement

Support and service requests can be sent by the licensee to the licensor as the responsible service provider. Requests can also be directed to the publishers, as long as the licensor has not specifically objected and informed the licensee in text form. Service provider information is published in the licensor's website legal notice, which also contains information about online dispute settlement.

Updated: December 2016

These Terms of Service have been translated from German for your convenience. The original German version is the effective legal version. In any dispute, the original German version shall prevail.

§ 1 Scope

(1) These Terms of Service, as offered by the company, Steady Media GmbH, located at Wattstr. 11, 13355 Berlin (the licensor), cover the terms for contracts for the delivery of data by the licensor to a user or company (the licensee) in digital form (digital content).

(2) The Terms of Service apply to all digital content the licensor makes directly available to the licensee through its website or other technical systems. They also apply when the licensor makes content available via a website or other technical system (for example, via email, link or in a password protected members' area) on behalf of a contractually responsible third party (the publisher)

(3) The expressed or implied inclusion of the licensee's own business agreements or licensing terms is rejected unless expressly agreed.

(4) For the purposes of these Terms of Service, a consumer is a natural person who enters into a legal contract for purposes not related to commercial or self-employed professional activities (§ 13 German civil code). A company is a natural or legal person or entity who enters into a legal contract in connection to their commercial or self-employed professional activities (§ 14 German civil code).

§ 2 Subject Matter

(1) The licensor allows the licensee to use a digital kiosk to access to digital content under a subscription model (subscriptions), which is subject to these Terms of Service.

(2) The licensor transfers the right to use and exploit content from publishers who hold copyright over such digital content, and who license this upon the request of the licensee via its digital kiosk.

(3) The digital content is described on publisher-specific sub-pages of the website of the licensor. Subscriptions shall grant benefits, for example, early or exclusive access to digital content. The precise contractual terms of the subscriptions shall be defined by each individual subscription description. Should the publisher offer any other digital content free of charge or at a cost, in addition to the content licensed by the licensee, this shall not be subject to the current Terms of Service.

(4) Upon entering into an agreement to purchase a subscription for digital content, the licensor is obliged to provide the licensee with the defined digital content for the agreed contractual period, and to grant specific user rights (see § 8).

(5) The purchasing of subscriptions requires the licensee to complete a one-time registration by opening a user account with the licensor and accepting these Terms of Service. Registration is free of charge. The conditions are set out in § 4.

(6) The licensee recognizes and specifically agrees that, based on the subscription, the range and type of digital content can regularly change and is dependent on the number of total subscriptions. Specific target numbers (goals) defined by the publisher for the period as set out under § 6, related to the defined digital content, can be regularly found on the publisher-specific sub-page.

(7) A contractual relationship exists solely between the licensor and the licensee. These Terms of Service do not establish or regulate a contractual relationship between the licensee and the Publisher.

§ 3 Contract Completion

(1) The text and description published on the licensor's website represents a binding offer of the licensor's service offer.

(2) The licensee can accept the licensor's service offer by using the online registration function on the licensor's website or other technical system. Additionally, the licensee can accept the described service offer of a third-party publisher who has entered into an agreement with the licensor and is named as a contractual party.

(3) The licensee accepts the licensor's service offer by selecting a specific subscription for the delivery of digital goods, placing it in a virtual shopping cart, and completing the online order process. The contract is legally binding once the licensee clicks the final button in the electronic order process. At this point the contract becomes effective.

§ 4 User Account

(1) Upon accepting an offer and completing an online order process, the licensor's contractual text will be saved and sent to the licensee by email, together with the text of the current Terms of Service.

(2) Before finalizing a binding contract via the online order process, the licensee can input and correct their details using the keyboard and mouse. All details entered prior to the order finalization will be displayed in a confirmation message and can be corrected using the keyboard and mouse.

(3) The contract will be completed in the German language.

(4) The ordering process and contract completion takes place via email and automated order processing.

(5) The licensee must ensure that the email address and payment information entered during the ordering process is correct so that they can receive emails from the licensor. The provided email address is also required to receive emails from publishers. The licensee commits to keeping the provided email address up-to-date and must ensure that emails from the licensee will not be blocked by spam filters.

(6) The licensee has the possibility to amend their subscription orders via their user account. Copies of invoices from the previous three months can be found in the user account.

§ 5 Subscription Model and Price

(1) The licensee shall grant the licensor a license fee for processing the requested subscription for digital content.

(2) The amount of the license fee is set out in each subscription description. All prices are inclusive and contain lawful value-added tax.

(3) The payment of licensee fees will be made in advance of the entire effective period, which corresponds to the billing period.

(4) Payments from countries outside the European Union may in certain cases carry further costs which must be paid by the licensee. For example, there may be additional costs imposed by credit institutions for transferring money or converting currency.

(5) The licensor offers various payment methods, which are described in their current form on the licensor’s website. The data privacy policy is contained in a separate data privacy policy declaration.

§ 6 Contract Period

(1) Subscriptions are unlimited in duration and can be ended at any time without notice or grounds by each party before the end of the current subscription cycle (for example, monthly or yearly).

(2) The licensee has no right to a refund of the license fee when they cancel their contract before the end of the effective period. This does not apply if the licensee has used their right to an extraordinary cancellation under paragraph 5, and has given notice of their cancellation.

(3) If the licensor cancels the contract before the end of the effective period without any cancellation by the licensee, the licensee shall receive a refund of the pre-paid license fee in proportion to the remaining period.

(4) A cancellation notice must be delivered in text form (such as via email) in order to be effective. Cancellation can also occur via the user account.

(5) The right to extraordinary cancellation for good cause exists. Good cause exists when the terminating party, having considered all individual circumstances, and taking into account the interest of both parties, determines that the continuation of the contract until the end of the contractual period cannot be expected.

§ 7 Content Delivery, Functionality and Limitation

(1) The licensor shall deliver access digital content exclusively in electronic form by email, per download or another specified access method via the website or other technical system. Alternatively, content may be delivered via a third-party website or technical system as specified by the licensor. The licensee may be required to log in to the website of the third party using data provided by the licensor.

(2) Functionality, technical restrictions and technical protections, if in effect, can be found in the subscription description. Any delivery restrictions that may occur can also be found in the subscription description.

§ 8 Granting of Usage Rights

(1) The licensor grants the licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable usage right over the provided digital content, unrestricted by time or place, exclusively for personal private use. Any and all commercial use is forbidden.

(2) Any transfer of the provided digital content in any form to a third person, or the creation of copies outside the limitations of these Terms of Service is not permitted, unless the transfer of rights to a third person is expressly permitted in written form by the licensor.

(3) The usage rights become effective only once the licensee has fulfilled their contractual obligations and made the required payments. The licensor may allow the use of the specified digital content before this point. Such a provisional period does not represent a transfer of rights.

§ 9 Content of Digital Goods and Copyright

The licensor, as set out in § 2, handles digital goods provided by the copyright holder. The licensor is a reseller. Digital content originates exclusively from the publisher, and not the licensor. The identity of each publisher is published on the legal notice sub-page of each respective publisher. The licensor handles the content and establishes a license for its use. The digital content does not represent the opinions of the licensor or any of its employees. The licensor does not condone or uphold the digital content from third parties.

§ 10 Right of Revocation

Consumers (as defined in § 1 Paragraph 4) have a basic right of revocation. Further information about revocation rights are contained in the revocation policy of the licensor. This revocation right can be waived in advance by the consumer in exceptional situations. The consumer will be informed about the possibility of waiving their rights in the subscription ordering process.

§ 11 Liability for Defects

Legally stipulated regulations apply.

§ 12 Data Protections

Data protection information is published in the data protection policy on the licensor's website. The licensee expressly allows the licensor to transfer their data to specific publishers from which the licensee has requested a subscription for the delivery of licensed digital content for the duration of the contractual period. The right to transfer data extends only to the data necessary in order to fulfill the specified license agreement (such as name, address, email address, contract period, subscription and cancellation). Account and payment data will under no circumstances be transferred, unless the licensor is required to do so by law or regulation. The licensee can object to future data transfers at any time.

§ 13 Final Provisions

(1) The rights of the Federal Republic of Germany apply, excluding the provisions of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. In cases where the licensee is a company, a legal person under common law or a special public fund, the jurisdiction for all disputes relating to contracts and Terms of Service between the licensor and licensee shall be the licensor's place of registration. This does not apply to consumers.

(2) For licensees who are consumers, the place of jurisdiction shall be the consumer's registered home address. For disputes relating to this contract and Terms of Service, an additional place of jurisdiction for consumers whose home address is in Germany shall be the licensor's place of registration. For consumers whose home address is in Austria, the place of jurisdiction shall be Vienna, and for consumers in Switzerland, the place of jurisdiction shall be Bern.

(3) The licensor reserves the right to amend these Terms of Service without notice at any time. The licensor shall inform the licensee of any amendments to their registered email address. The amended Terms of Service are considered to be accepted if the licensee does not appeal against them in written form or email within six weeks of receiving notice of the amendments.

§ 14 Support, Service Provider Information and Online Dispute Settlement

Support and service requests can be sent by the licensee to the licensor as the responsible service provider. Requests can also be directed to the publishers, as long as the licensor has not specifically objected and informed the licensee in text form. Service provider information is published in the licensor's website legal notice, which also contains information about online dispute settlement.

Updated: December 2016

These Terms of Service have been translated from German for your convenience. The original German version is the effective legal version. In any dispute, the original German version shall prevail.

§ 1 Scope

(1) These Terms of Service, as offered by the company, Steady Media GmbH, located at Wattstr. 11, 13355 Berlin (the licensor), cover the terms for contracts for the delivery of data by the licensor to a user or company (the licensee) in digital form (digital content).

(2) The Terms of Service apply to all digital content the licensor makes directly available to the licensee through its website or other technical systems. They also apply when the licensor makes content available via a website or other technical system (for example, via email, link or in a password protected members' area) on behalf of a contractually responsible third party (the publisher)

(3) The expressed or implied inclusion of the licensee's own business agreements or licensing terms is rejected unless expressly agreed.

(4) For the purposes of these Terms of Service, a consumer is a natural person who enters into a legal contract for purposes not related to commercial or self-employed professional activities (§ 13 German civil code). A company is a natural or legal person or entity who enters into a legal contract in connection to their commercial or self-employed professional activities (§ 14 German civil code).

§ 2 Subject Matter

(1) The licensor allows the licensee to use a digital kiosk to access to digital content under a subscription model (subscriptions), which is subject to these Terms of Service.

(2) The licensor transfers the right to use and exploit content from publishers who hold copyright over such digital content, and who license this upon the request of the licensee via its digital kiosk.

(3) The digital content is described on publisher-specific sub-pages of the website of the licensor. Subscriptions shall grant benefits, for example, early or exclusive access to digital content. The precise contractual terms of the subscriptions shall be defined by each individual subscription description. Should the publisher offer any other digital content free of charge or at a cost, in addition to the content licensed by the licensee, this shall not be subject to the current Terms of Service.

(4) Upon entering into an agreement to purchase a subscription for digital content, the licensor is obliged to provide the licensee with the defined digital content for the agreed contractual period, and to grant specific user rights (see § 8).

(5) The purchasing of subscriptions requires the licensee to complete a one-time registration by opening a user account with the licensor and accepting these Terms of Service. Registration is free of charge. The conditions are set out in § 4.

(6) The licensee recognizes and specifically agrees that, based on the subscription, the range and type of digital content can regularly change and is dependent on the number of total subscriptions. Specific target numbers (goals) defined by the publisher for the period as set out under § 6, related to the defined digital content, can be regularly found on the publisher-specific sub-page.

(7) A contractual relationship exists solely between the licensor and the licensee. These Terms of Service do not establish or regulate a contractual relationship between the licensee and the Publisher.

§ 3 Contract Completion

(1) The text and description published on the licensor's website represents a binding offer of the licensor's service offer.

(2) The licensee can accept the licensor's service offer by using the online registration function on the licensor's website or other technical system. Additionally, the licensee can accept the described service offer of a third-party publisher who has entered into an agreement with the licensor and is named as a contractual party.

(3) The licensee accepts the licensor's service offer by selecting a specific subscription for the delivery of digital goods, placing it in a virtual shopping cart, and completing the online order process. The contract is legally binding once the licensee clicks the final button in the electronic order process. At this point the contract becomes effective.

§ 4 User Account

(1) Upon accepting an offer and completing an online order process, the licensor's contractual text will be saved and sent to the licensee by email, together with the text of the current Terms of Service.

(2) Before finalizing a binding contract via the online order process, the licensee can input and correct their details using the keyboard and mouse. All details entered prior to the order finalization will be displayed in a confirmation message and can be corrected using the keyboard and mouse.

(3) The contract will be completed in the German language.

(4) The ordering process and contract completion takes place via email and automated order processing.

(5) The licensee must ensure that the email address and payment information entered during the ordering process is correct so that they can receive emails from the licensor. The provided email address is also required to receive emails from publishers. The licensee commits to keeping the provided email address up-to-date and must ensure that emails from the licensee will not be blocked by spam filters.

(6) The licensee has the possibility to amend their subscription orders via their user account. Copies of invoices from the previous three months can be found in the user account.

§ 5 Subscription Model and Price

(1) The licensee shall grant the licensor a license fee for processing the requested subscription for digital content.

(2) The amount of the license fee is set out in each subscription description. All prices are inclusive and contain lawful value-added tax.

(3) The payment of licensee fees will be made in advance of the entire effective period, which corresponds to the billing period.

(4) Payments from countries outside the European Union may in certain cases carry further costs which must be paid by the licensee. For example, there may be additional costs imposed by credit institutions for transferring money or converting currency.

(5) The licensor offers various payment methods, which are described in their current form on the licensor’s website. The data privacy policy is contained in a separate data privacy policy declaration.

§ 6 Contract Period

(1) Subscriptions are unlimited in duration and can be ended at any time without notice or grounds by each party before the end of the current subscription cycle (for example, monthly or yearly).

(2) The licensee has no right to a refund of the license fee when they cancel their contract before the end of the effective period. This does not apply if the licensee has used their right to an extraordinary cancellation under paragraph 5, and has given notice of their cancellation.

(3) If the licensor cancels the contract before the end of the effective period without any cancellation by the licensee, the licensee shall receive a refund of the pre-paid license fee in proportion to the remaining period.

(4) A cancellation notice must be delivered in text form (such as via email) in order to be effective. Cancellation can also occur via the user account.

(5) The right to extraordinary cancellation for good cause exists. Good cause exists when the terminating party, having considered all individual circumstances, and taking into account the interest of both parties, determines that the continuation of the contract until the end of the contractual period cannot be expected.

§ 7 Content Delivery, Functionality and Limitation

(1) The licensor shall deliver access digital content exclusively in electronic form by email, per download or another specified access method via the website or other technical system. Alternatively, content may be delivered via a third-party website or technical system as specified by the licensor. The licensee may be required to log in to the website of the third party using data provided by the licensor.

(2) Functionality, technical restrictions and technical protections, if in effect, can be found in the subscription description. Any delivery restrictions that may occur can also be found in the subscription description.

§ 8 Granting of Usage Rights

(1) The licensor grants the licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable usage right over the provided digital content, unrestricted by time or place, exclusively for personal private use. Any and all commercial use is forbidden.

(2) Any transfer of the provided digital content in any form to a third person, or the creation of copies outside the limitations of these Terms of Service is not permitted, unless the transfer of rights to a third person is expressly permitted in written form by the licensor.

(3) The usage rights become effective only once the licensee has fulfilled their contractual obligations and made the required payments. The licensor may allow the use of the specified digital content before this point. Such a provisional period does not represent a transfer of rights.

§ 9 Content of Digital Goods and Copyright

The licensor, as set out in § 2, handles digital goods provided by the copyright holder. The licensor is a reseller. Digital content originates exclusively from the publisher, and not the licensor. The identity of each publisher is published on the legal notice sub-page of each respective publisher. The licensor handles the content and establishes a license for its use. The digital content does not represent the opinions of the licensor or any of its employees. The licensor does not condone or uphold the digital content from third parties.

§ 10 Right of Revocation

Consumers (as defined in § 1 Paragraph 4) have a basic right of revocation. Further information about revocation rights are contained in the revocation policy of the licensor. This revocation right can be waived in advance by the consumer in exceptional situations. The consumer will be informed about the possibility of waiving their rights in the subscription ordering process.

§ 11 Liability for Defects

Legally stipulated regulations apply.

§ 12 Data Protections

Data protection information is published in the data protection policy on the licensor's website. The licensee expressly allows the licensor to transfer their data to specific publishers from which the licensee has requested a subscription for the delivery of licensed digital content for the duration of the contractual period. The right to transfer data extends only to the data necessary in order to fulfill the specified license agreement (such as name, address, email address, contract period, subscription and cancellation). Account and payment data will under no circumstances be transferred, unless the licensor is required to do so by law or regulation. The licensee can object to future data transfers at any time.

§ 13 Final Provisions

(1) The rights of the Federal Republic of Germany apply, excluding the provisions of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. In cases where the licensee is a company, a legal person under common law or a special public fund, the jurisdiction for all disputes relating to contracts and Terms of Service between the licensor and licensee shall be the licensor's place of registration. This does not apply to consumers.

(2) For licensees who are consumers, the place of jurisdiction shall be the consumer's registered home address. For disputes relating to this contract and Terms of Service, an additional place of jurisdiction for consumers whose home address is in Germany shall be the licensor's place of registration. For consumers whose home address is in Austria, the place of jurisdiction shall be Vienna, and for consumers in Switzerland, the place of jurisdiction shall be Bern.

(3) The licensor reserves the right to amend these Terms of Service without notice at any time. The licensor shall inform the licensee of any amendments to their registered email address. The amended Terms of Service are considered to be accepted if the licensee does not appeal against them in written form or email within six weeks of receiving notice of the amendments.

§ 14 Support, Service Provider Information and Online Dispute Settlement

Support and service requests can be sent by the licensee to the licensor as the responsible service provider. Requests can also be directed to the publishers, as long as the licensor has not specifically objected and informed the licensee in text form. Service provider information is published in the licensor's website legal notice, which also contains information about online dispute settlement.

Updated: December 2016

Special sales conditions for the purchase of digital goods from third parties (agency business)

§ 1 Âmbito de aplicação

(1) Estas condições contratuais especiais para a compra de bens digitais de terceiros (negócio de agência) ("BVB") da empresa Steady Media GmbH, Wattstr. 11, 13355 Berlin ("Steady"), aplicam-se aos serviços da Steady para a celebração e processamento de tais contratos, que são celebrados por um consumidor ou empresário ("utilizador") com um terceiro legalmente independente da Steady ("editor terceiro") e que têm, como conteúdo, a entrega/fornecimento de dados não num suporte físico de dados ("conteúdos digitais") e para o qual a Steady não é ela próprio um parceiro contratual, mas atua como representante do editor terceiro (negócio de agência).

(2) Os termos e condições gerais (AGB) da Steady, regulados separadamente, não são aplicáveis; estes regulam os contratos para esses conteúdos digitais, que os utilizadores compram diretamente da Steady, ou seja, em nome e por conta da Steady.

(3) A inclusão explícita ou tácita dos próprios negócios e/ou condições de utilização do utilizador é contrariada, exceto se tiver sido expressamente acordado outra coisa.

(4) Um consumidor no sentido destas BVB é qualquer pessoa singular que conclui uma transação legal para fins que não podem ser predominantemente atribuídos nem à sua atividade comercial nem à sua atividade profissional independente (§ 13 BGB). Um empresário no sentido destas BVB é uma pessoa singular ou coletiva ou uma sociedade com capacidade jurídica que, ao concluir uma transação legal, atua no exercício da sua atividade comercial ou profissional independente (§ 14 BGB).

§ 2 Conteúdo do contrato

(1) A Steady permite ao utilizador comprar, tornar acessível e gerir tecnicamente conteúdos digitais (compras únicas ou assinaturas) de editores terceiros através de instalações de computador operadas pela Steady (por exemplo, sítios web, plataformas, programas de computador, plug-ins de código e similares). Os fornecedores e vendedores dos respetivos conteúdos digitais são apenas os respetivos editores terceiros. A venda e entrega dos conteúdos digitais é exclusiva e irrevogavelmente em nome e por conta dos editores terceiros. A Steady atua como representante do editor terceiro (negócio de agência) e de outra forma como prestador de serviços técnicos. Os acordos celebrados entre os utilizadores e o editor terceiro, particularmente o preço e as condições comerciais do editor terceiro, são válidos exclusivamente para a celebração e processamento de contratos de conteúdos digitais, a menos que expressamente regulamentados no contexto dessas condições contratuais especiais (BVB). O editor terceiro assumirá o único risco económico de disponibilizar os conteúdos digitais em conformidade com o acordo. A Steady não tem qualquer influência sobre os preços estabelecidos pelo editor terceiro para os conteúdos digitais.

(2) O único conteúdo da relação contratual entre a Steady e o utilizador é o fornecimento e manutenção de instalações técnicas pela Steady, com as quais os utilizadores estão podem processar a compra de conteúdos digitais no sentido do parágrafo 1 de terceiros, bem como a sua acessibilidade técnica e gestão (assinatura) (por exemplo, recuperação de faturas, gestão de dados do utilizador, estabelecimento de barreiras técnicas de acesso). O cliente tem especificamente de concluir uma conta de utilizador com a Steady para este fim, sob reconhecimento destas BVB. Os detalhes são regulados no § 4.

(3) Estas BVB regulam por si só a relação contratual entre a Steady e o utilizador. Nenhuma relação contratual entre o utilizador e o editor é estabelecida ou regulada por estas BVB.

§ 3 Conclusão do contrato

(1) O contrato entre a Steady e o utilizador, com conteúdo de acordo com § 2 parágrafo 2, entra em vigor quando o utilizador abre uma conta com a Steady num formulário online fornecido pela Steady, introduzindo o seu endereço eletrónico e uma palavra-passe (e, se necessário, também com um início de sessão através de terceiros, como por exemplo uma conta no Google ou Facebook) e com o consentimento dessas condições contratuais especiais (BVB), e ativa a ligação de ativação incluída no e-mail de confirmação e recebe uma confirmação da ativação final da conta no sítio web de redirecionamento.

(2) O contrato é celebrado em língua alemã.

(3) Antes da apresentação obrigatória da declaração de intenção de abrir uma conta de utilizador através do formulário de encomenda online, o utilizador pode corrigir continuamente as suas entradas utilizando as funcionalidades habituais do teclado e do rato. Além disso, todas as entradas são exibidas novamente numa janela de confirmação antes da submissão vinculativa da encomenda, podendo também ser corrigidas através das funcionalidades habituais do teclado e do rato.

(4) O processamento de encomenda e o contacto ocorre através de e-mail e processamento automático de encomendas.

(5) Ao submeter uma oferta através de um formulário de encomenda online, o texto do contrato será guardado pela Steady e enviado ao utilizador por e-mail após o envio da sua encomenda, incluindo uma ligação de referência para as atuais condições contratuais especiais (BVB).

§ 4 Conta de utilizador, equipamento técnico

(1) O respetivo âmbito de utilização da conta de utilizador resulta do sítio web fornecido pela Steady na sua forma atual (atualmente http://steadyhq.com).

(2) Dependendo do editor terceiro, o utilizador geralmente pode fazer o seguinte com a conta de utilizador:

  • Ver e recuperar faturas dos últimos três meses

  • Gerir dados de pagamento

  • Gerir contratos de conteúdo digital e cancelar, renovar ou celebrar novos contratos

  • Gerir palavras-passe.

(3) O utilizador também pode - desde que a Steady assim o proponha - adquirir conteúdos digitais diretamente da Steady dentro da conta de utilizador. Estes são identificados separadamente como tal. As AGB da Steady reguladas separadamente aplicam-se a estes (ver § 1 parágrafo 2).

(4) O utilizador tem que conservar os dados de início de sessão e palavras-passe que lhe fornecidos num local seguro e não pode fornecê-los a terceiros.

(5) O utilizador garante que o endereço eletrónico e as informações de pagamento fornecidas por si para o processamento da encomenda estão corretas, de forma a que os e-mails enviados pelo a Steady possam ser recebidos nesse endereço. Os endereços eletrónicos armazenados também são decisivos para que quaisquer e-mails possam ser recebidos diretamente por terceiros. O utilizador mantém sempre o endereço eletrónico atualizado e, na medida que seja tecnicamente razoável e habitual, garante também que o recebimento não é dificultado por filtros de spam.

(6) Dependendo do editor terceiro, o utilizador pode precisar de uma conta de pagamento especial (por exemplo, Paypal). Os requisitos de participação do respetivo editor terceiro são aplicáveis.

§ 5 Preço, período do contrato

(1) Os serviços fornecidos pela Steady no âmbito destas BVB são gratuitos.

(2) O contrato entre as partes é celebrado por um período indeterminado.

(3) O contrato pode ser rescindido por ambas as partes sem dar razões, com um pré-aviso de duas semanas. A Steady assinala que tal rescisão não tem efeito na continuidade da relação contratual entre o utilizador e o editor terceiro, e que qualquer obrigação de pagamento do utilizador continua a existir apesar da rescisão da conta Steady.

(4) O direito à rescisão extraordinária por justa causa permanece inalterado.

§ 6 Direito de revogação

Os consumidores (ver § 1 parágrafo. 4) têm geralmente o direito de rescisão. Mais informações sobre o direito de rescisão podem ser encontradas na política de cancelamento da Steady. O direito de revogação não existe se, a título excecional, expirar prematuramente a pedido do consumidor. O consumidor é informado sobre a possibilidade de expiração de forma abrangente durante o processo de encomenda.

§ 7 Responsabilidade por defeitos

(1) Na relação entre a Steady e o utilizador, as regulamentações legais são aplicáveis sem restrições.

(2) A Steady não se responsabiliza pelo fornecimento contratual dos conteúdos digitais dos editores terceiros através destes, especialmente não pelo seu conteúdo, estoque, qualidade e/ou condição.

§ 8 Transferência de dados e proteção de dados

(1) Os avisos de privacidade podem ser consultados na política de privacidade Steady publicada no sítio web. O utilizador concorda explicitamente com uma transferência/troca de dados entre a Steady e o editor terceiro durante o período de vigência do contrato local.

(2) Se já existia uma relação contratual para conteúdos digitais entre o utilizador e o editor terceiro antes da abertura de uma conta na Steady no âmbito destas condições contratuais especiais (BVB), e o editor terceiro tiver esses dados de utilizador à sua disposição, que são necessários para a execução ou processamento do contrato local ou do contrato em que se baseia o negócio da agência, o utilizador autoriza e obriga a Steady a transferir imediatamente os dados disponíveis no editor terceiro dos seus sistemas para os sistemas da Steady e a mantê-los sempre atualizados, especialmente o nome, endereço, dados de pagamento, informações sobre assinaturas/conteúdos digitais atuais, período de assinatura e cancelamentos. A Steady garante uma transferência/acesso técnico aos dados essenciais do utilizador nos editores terceiros durante o período de vigência do contrato.

(3) O direito e a obrigação de transferir e trocar dados é apenas na medida do necessário para a execução do contrato local e para o processamento do negócio da agência (por exemplo, nome, endereço, dados de pagamento, informações sobre assinaturas/conteúdos digitais atuais, período de assinatura, cancelamentos, etc.).

(4) O utilizador pode contestar a transferência de dados entre a Steady e o editor terceiro a qualquer momento, com efeito para o futuro. A Steady assinala que, neste caso, não pode ou só pode cumprir parcialmente as suas obrigações de acordo com este contrato.

§ 9 Disposições finais

(1) Será aplicável a lei da República Federal da Alemanha, excluindo a Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre Contratos para a Venda Internacional de Mercadorias.

(2) Se o utilizador for um comerciante, uma pessoa jurídica de direito público ou um fundo especial de direito público, o local de jurisdição para todos os litígios decorrentes do contrato e estas condições contratuais especiais (BVB) entre o utilizador e a Steady é a sede social da Steady. Isto não se aplica explicitamente aos consumidores.

(3) Para os utilizadores que são consumidores, existe um local de jurisdição no domicílio do respetivo utilizador. Para todos os litígios decorrentes do contrato e destas BVB, o local de jurisdição adicional para consumidores com residência na Alemanha é a sede social da Steady, para consumidores com residência na Áustria é a cidade de Viena, e para consumidores com residência na Suíça é a cidade de Berna.

(4) A Steady reserva-se o direito de alterar estas BVB a qualquer momento, fornecendo uma justificação suficiente. Para este efeito, a Steady enviará as condições alteradas ao utilizador para o seu endereço eletrónico armazenado na sua conta. A forma modificada das BVB é considerada aceite se o utilizador não se opuser à sua validade por escrito ou em forma de texto no período de seis semanas após a receção do e-mail e a Steady tiver assinalado este facto no e-mail.

Steady is not a publishing house and we do not interfere with publishers' content. But we do have some limits: check our guidelines to learn more.

Atualizado: agosto de 2017

§ 1 Scope of application

(1) These special contractual conditions for the purchase of digital goods of third parties (agency business) (“BVB”) of the company Steady Media GmbH, Wattstr. 11, 13355 Berlin ("Steady"), apply to the services of Steady for the conclusion and processing of such contracts, which are concluded by a consumer or an entrepreneur ("user") with a third party legally independent of Steady ("third party publisher") and which have, as their content, the delivery/provision of data not on a physical data carrier ("digital content") and for which Steady is not itself a contractual partner, but acts as a representative of the third party publisher (agency business).

(2) The separately regulated general terms and conditions (AGB) of Steady are not applicable; these regulate contracts for such digital contents, which users purchase directly from Steady, i.e. in the name and on account of Steady.

(3) The explicit or tacit inclusion of the user's own business and/or usage conditions is contradicted, unless something else has been expressly agreed upon.

(4) A consumer in the sense of these BVBs is any natural person who concludes a legal transaction for purposes that can predominantly be attributed neither to their commercial nor their independent professional activity (§ 13 BGB). An entrepreneur within the meaning of these BVBs is a natural or legal person or a partnership with legal capacity who, when concluding a legal transaction, acts in the exercise of his or her commercial or independent professional activity (Section 14 BGB).

§ 2 Content of contract

(1) Steady enables the user to technically purchase, make accessible and manage digital content (one-time purchases or subscriptions) from third party publishers via computer facilities operated by Steady (e.g. websites, platforms, computer programs, code plug-ins and similar). The providers and sellers of the respective digital content are solely the respective third-party publishers. The sale and delivery of the digital content is exclusively and irrevocably in the name and on account of the third-party publishers. Steady acts as a representative of the third party publisher (agency business) and otherwise as a technical service provider. The agreements concluded between the users and the third party publisher, in particular the price and business conditions of the third-party publisher, are solely valid for the conclusion and processing of contracts for digital content, unless expressly regulated in the context of these BVBs. The third-party publisher shall bear the sole economic risk of making the digital content available in accordance with the agreement. Steady has no influence on the prices set by the third-party publisher for the digital content.

(2) The sole content of the contractual relationship between Steady and the user is the provision and maintenance of technical facilities by Steady, with which the users are enabled to process the purchase of digital contents in the sense of paragraph 1 from third parties as well as their technical accessibility and (subscription) management (e.g. invoice retrieval, management of user data, setting of technical access barriers). In particular, the customer must conclude a user account with Steady for this purpose under recognition of these BVBs. The details are regulated in § 4.

(3) These BVBs alone regulate the contractual relationship between Steady and the user. No contractual relationship between the user and the publisher is established or regulated by these BVBs.

§ 3 Conclusion of contract

(1) The contract between Steady and the user, with content according to § 2 paragraph 2., comes into effect when the user opens an account with Steady on an online form offered by Steady by entering his email address and a password (and, if necessary, also by logging in via a third-party login, e.g. a Google or Facebook account) and with the consent of these BVBs, and activates the activation link contained in the confirmation email and receives a confirmation of the final activation of the account on the redirection website.

(2) The contract is concluded in German language.

(3) Before the binding submission of the declaration of intent to open a user account via the online order form, the user can continuously correct his entries using the usual keyboard and mouse functions. Furthermore, all entries are displayed again in a confirmation window before the binding submission of the order and can also be corrected there using the usual keyboard and mouse functions.

(4) The order processing and contact takes place via email and automated order processing.

(5) When submitting an offer via an online order form, the text of the contract will be saved by Steady and sent to the user by email after sending his order, including a link reference to the current BVBs.

§ 4 User account, technical equipment

(1) The respective scope of use of the user account results from the website provided by Steady in its current form (currently http://steadyhq.com).

(2) Depending on the third-party publisher, the user can usually do the following with the user account:

  • View and retrieve invoices for the last three months

  • Manage payment data

  • Manage digital content contracts and cancel, renew or enter into new contracts

  • Manage passwords.

(3) The user can – as far as offered by Steady – also purchase digital contents directly from Steady within the user account. These are separately identified as such. The separately regulated AGBs of Steady apply for these (see § 1 paragraph 2).

(4) The user has to keep the login data and passwords provided to him/her in a safe place and may not give them to third parties.

(5) The user ensures that the email address and payment information provided by him for order processing is correct, so that the emails sent by Steady can be received at this address. The stored email addresses are also decisive for any emails to be received directly by third parties. The user always keeps the email address up to date and, as far as technically reasonable and usual, also ensures that the receipt is not hindered by spam filters.

(6) Depending on the third-party publisher, the user may need a special payment account (e.g. Paypal). The participation requirements of the respective third-party publisher apply.

§ 5 Price, contract period

(1) The services provided by Steady within the scope of these BVBs are free of charge.

(2) The contract between the parties is concluded for an indefinite period.

(3) The contract can be terminated by both parties without giving reasons with a two-week notice period. Steady points out that such a termination has no effect on the continuance of the contractual relationship between the user and the third-party publisher, and any payment obligation of the user continues to exist despite the termination of the Steady account.

(4) The right to extraordinary termination for good cause remains unaffected.

§ 6 Right of revocation

Consumers (see § 1 para. 4) are generally entitled to a right of withdrawal. Further information on the right of withdrawal can be found in Steady’s cancellation policy. The right of revocation does not exist if, by way of exception, it expires prematurely at the request of the consumer. The consumer is informed about the possibility of the expiration comprehensively during the order process.

§ 7 Liability for defects

(1) In the relationship between Steady and the user, the legal regulations apply without restriction.

(2) Steady is not liable for the contractual provision of the digital contents of the third party publishers through these, especially not for their content, stock, quality and/or condition.

§ 8 Data transfer and data protection

(1) Privacy notices can be found in the Steady privacy policy published on the website. The user explicitly agrees to a data transfer/exchange of data between Steady and the third-party publisher for the duration of the local contract period.

(2) If a contractual relationship for digital content already existed between the user and the third-party publisher before opening an account with Steady under the scope of these BVBs, and the third-party publisher has such user data at its disposal, which is necessary for the execution or processing of the local contract or the contract on which the agency business is based, the user authorizes and obligates Steady to immediately transfer the data available at the third-party publisher from their systems to the systems of Steady and to keep it always up-to-date, especially the name, address, payment data, information about current subscriptions/digital content, subscription period and cancellations. Steady guarantees a technical transferability/access to the user's essential data at the third-party publishers for the duration of the contract period.

(3) The right and the obligation to transfer and exchange data is only as far as it is necessary for the execution of the local contract and the processing of the agency business (e.g. name, address, payment data, information about current subscriptions/digital contents, subscription period, cancellations, etc.).

(4) The user can contradict the data transfer between Steady and the third-party publisher at any time with effect for the future. Steady points out that in this case, it cannot or can only partially fulfill its obligations according to this contract.

§ 9 Final provisions

(1) The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply, excluding the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.

(2) If the user is a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, the place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from the contract and these BVBs between the user and Steady is the registered office of Steady. This explicitly does not apply to consumers.

(3) For users who are consumers, there is a place of jurisdiction at the respective domicile of the user. For all disputes arising from the contract and these BVBs, the additional place of jurisdiction for consumers with residence in Germany is the registered office of Steady, for consumers with residence in Austria the city of Vienna and for consumers with residence in Switzerland the city of Bern.

(4) Steady reserves the right to change these BVBs at any time by providing sufficient justification. For this purpose, Steady will send the changed conditions to the user to his email address stored in his account. The modified form of BVBs is considered accepted if the user does not object to its validity in writing or in text form within six weeks after receipt of the email and Steady has pointed out this fact in the email.

Updated: August 2017