What’s the least you can do and still lose fat from your Kettlebell workouts?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVwTPfI95Ms (Opens in a new window)
That’s a question I think many of us wonder.
Especially if we’re trying to gain strength, or just finished a strength cycle and packed on a few more pounds / kilos than we thought we would.
Now I’m not necessarily saying fast, but “noticeable”.
[NOTE: If you want FAST, you can do that here.]
Which exercise and rep scheme would be the “best” for you?
My GENERAL rule of thumb is to “do the opposite” of what your body is currently used to.
So, if you’ve been doing a lot of lower rep, heavy grinds (the slower strength lifts), switch up to higher rep ballistics (the Swing, Snatch, Clean, Push Press, Jerk).
Learn More on My Following YouTube Channel:
https://www.youtube.com/user/GeoffNeupert/videos (Opens in a new window)
August 21, 2023
Kettlebell Workouts
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