Do you judge the right way? 👀
My dear friend,
Did you have a nice week? What did you do? And do you judge yourself for it?
I’m still so caught up in work all week, that I enjoy doing as little as possible on the weekends: watering my plants, cleaning my home, talking to friends or family, sitting in the sun, making some art, baking or cooking something nice, long walks with the dog.
But when I tell people about it, even though I am completely happy with what I’m doing and how, I feel like I should be doing something else. I’m afraid they might judge me.
This doesn’t affect me in a way that I would change anything because of it, as that would be silly, it’s my weekend after all, but I just notice it as it happens.
But why do we judge?
When I wrote the content for the current chapter of the CREATRIX School, Reach Out!/COMMUNITY, I realized that judgement is such a funny thing, and that often we forget how to use it right.
And of course, I don’t believe in a right and wrong way, but I do believe that there are ways that are more helpful ways and less helpful ways for us to do things in life. And that we have judgement is a wonderful and great thing.
I, personally, have very little judgement, and that has caused a lot of trouble in my life, as I have to try everything out for myself, to find out if it’s right or wrong for me - other people know these things right away, and don’t have to try and learn.
We’re all different - and that’s great. And judgement tells us what we like and don’t like - the problem is just that we often don’t stop there.
Just imagine going through this world, living your life, experiencing your day and encountering someone who does something that you don’t agree with - your judgement kicks in and lets you know that you don’t like what they are doing.
What do you do? What do you think? Does it upset you? Or make you joyful? And why?
This world is here for us to grow and experience and to help us learn how to create our reality consciously, so if we see something we don’t like - that could actually be wonderful news and should cause us to feel joy - because it helps us to understand what we do like (instead of what we don’t like), so we can create and invite more of that.
However, if we let seeing something we don’t like impact us in negative ways, it’s our loss. When we do that, we waste energy, when we could use it to create more of what we want instead.
Judgement is here to help us to understand ourselves better, to help us know what we want, and don’t want, and if we use it as that, it can make our lives incredibly joyful, get us into the flow of life and help us enjoy all that we wish for.
It goes hand in hand with the magical sentence I shared with you not that long ago: “Thank you for showing me how not to be.”
We always have to choose how we want to live our lives. And whatever we choose is what we need, until we have enough of that and choose something else.
In the current chapter of the CREATRIX School, we look at how we can live with other people peacefully, and build strong and thriving communities, and how we can discover and use our unique strengths and ways to contribute and lead in the best possible way. So, if you’d like to dive deeper how you can use your judgement and all triggers, really, to make your life better, more joyful and more peaceful - then join us!
We live in such a wonderful world, so full of possibility, if we waste our time getting upset about what other people do, it is just what it is, our loss, and we can let that go whenever we are ready to live more joyfully and more freely.
Are you ready for that? (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)
I’ve been fine-tuning the Wheel of Colours (Öffnet in neuem Fenster), and made a few wheels for some awesome people in the last week, which was and is always so exciting because I can really see the whole person, their challenges and joys appear in front of me.
If you don’t have your wheel yet, order it now (Öffnet in neuem Fenster). I promise, it will make your life so much easier when you understand what you need in the most important situations of your life.
As you can see, Tobby and I also had some fun in the sun and on the grass, and the clouds here, were quite impressive last week.
And here is what we did in the CREATRIX School (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) last week:

How to learn to love triggers
In this lesson, we look at why it is so important to unite for a cause and not against someone or something – if we want to create lasting change – no matter how much we might disagree with them or something.
And we look at how love really is always the answer, even, or especially, when someone or something upsets us.
read more (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

How can we create a real alternative to what we currently have?
In this lesson, we talk about how judgement can be a very useful tool on our journey to becoming our most authentic and best selves and create the communities we wish for, as long as we don’t use it to condemn other people or to establish superiority.
We also think about how every trigger is really here for us to grow, and not something to be afraid of or to avoid and how punishment, just like suppression, doesn’t lead to anything beautiful – and what we can do instead.
read more (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

On Freedom, Responsibility and our Nature
In this lesson, we look at how freedom and responsibility are linked and what that has to do with consciousness.
And how with a raised consciousness also comes more freedom and thus, by raising our consciousness and finding more inner peace, we also obliterate the need for violence.
And we look at another essential thing, that will help us be more aware in our community interactions – our role as humans in nature, in this world.
read more (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)
I hope you enjoy the rest of your Sunday and have a great start to the new week.
I’m very grateful that I get to write this newsletter each week, and that we can stay in touch this way because this world is made for you and me, and it wouldn’t be the same without you and our connection.
Thank you for being here and for being you, in all your unique and special ways.<3