Who’s your favourite singer? 👀
Dear Creatrix,
Who’s your favourite singer?
I’m not quite sure if I even like the term favourite here - because I prefer different music at different times, but there are definitely some musicians that mean more to me than others, and few have stayed so consistently in my life, like Cat Power has.
I don’t even listen to her so much anymore, but I noticed that I’ve been sharing her songs with other people often, and so two weeks or so ago, Spotify asked me if I wanted to get tickets to a Cat Power concert in Hamburg, but of course, they were already sold out - as said concert was yesterday.
I moved to Hamburg from the countryside a year ago, and I wanted to go to more cultural events now that I’m here, but I was so happily involved in building my new business, that I didn't even take the time to look at what's going on.
So, I decided I will set my intention to open up to more of this.
And, as I had already missed my chance to see Cat Power, I asked myself who else I really wanted to see, so I could see if I would find tickets for something else. But no one really came to mind, as I realized that would have really liked to see Cat Power, here in Hamburg again.
Because I had seen her 20 years before in Hamburg, and it was one of those nights you always remember - filled with magic.
After an amazing show, I went for a few drinks with a friend and when we went back to the venue to pick up her bike - we ran into Chan (the lead singer) and her band.
They all had moustaches drawn on, and I gathered my courage and asked Chan for her autograph - which she gave me, and then she drew a moustache on me as well, gave me a kiss and a beer, and I was the happiest little me, riding through town with my new moustache after that experience and a wonderful concert.

And today I feel just as happy again after I ended up at her concert yesterday because the Universe is so wonderful and always provides.
As I couldn't get tickets for her show here this year, I figured I’ll just have to make sure I will know the next time she’s in town so that I will actually be able to go then - and forgot about the concert altogether.
But two hours before it started, a friend texted (literally the only person I know here, who's not family), and said she had an extra ticket, and asked if I wanted to come. 👀 💖 🍀
I really couldn’t believe it. You can’t even make this up.
Of course, I dropped everything and went.
It's incredible how the universe works. And it was such a beautiful and magical concert as well. We had amazing seats and yeah, I’m sure the smile I’m wearing since my friend asked me to come will last for a while 😊.
If you’d like to see a little video from the concert, you can watch it here (Öffnet in neuem Fenster).
Apart from this, wonderful, spontaneous adventure, I have had some lovely help with my Social Media in the past week and did a lot of background work, and I’m so excited about all that’s going to come now - because there’s no standing still, we’re all constantly expanding and evolving. ✨
Which might also mean that the newsletter will look a bit differently soon.
We’ll see.
And of course, we also did some wonderful work in the CREATRIX School as we learned about the archetypes we might tend to take on in a community or team setting, or are excellent at when working in a group, and the ones we would maybe like to try ourselves to grow, as well as those we might take on when we’re stressed.
It’s so helpful to know about these kinds of things in any work or community setting because when we know ourselves, as our best and as our most stressed - we can be prepared for it all, and it won’t bring us out of balance, when we need to stay focused and present the most.
If you’d like to see for yourself - who you are at your best and worst and how you can use both all of that in the best possible way - join us now.
https://verenaspilker.com/creatrix-community/ (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)And here is what we did in the CREATRIX School (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) last week:

What’s your unique superpower?
We start this lesson with a short review of what we’ve learned in the last few lessons to resolve the most common problems found in communities today.
And then we begin to look at our unique superpowers, so we can become more confident in the way we contribute to any community, group or project we choose to support.
read more (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

What’s your favourite archetype?
In this lesson, we dive deeper into the roles we can inhabit in a group or community setting.
Are you better fit for a creative role or a leading role, or both, or something else?
Knowing what we are good at, and also thinking about what we would like to learn and grow into, can help us immensely to find our place in any community setting and to be able to contribute in the best possible way.
This is also a great resource if you’d ever like to start your own project or company and can help you make sure all vital roles will be covered so that the project can run in the best possible way.
read more (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

What’s your (stress) archetype?
Of course, things don’t always go the way we want them too.
Sometimes we get stressed, overwhelmed, take on too much or don’t dare to step into our power.
But we can always change and learn and grow.
Looking at the Occasional Archetypes, like the thief, victim, fool, hero_ine, adventurer and so on can help us to recognize these archetypes in ourselves and others and help us to come back into balance, whenever we slip into them.
read more (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

I hope you enjoy your Sunday evening and have a great start to the new week.
Thank you for being you, for learning, for growing and for being kind.<3