Do you feel free like a bird? 🐰
Dear Creatrix,
How has your week been?
I’ve been creating some material things this week - renovated a bird house and hung it high up on a tree, and I am making some drawings to help with the activation of the different colours of the Wheel of Colours (Öffnet in neuem Fenster).

How exactly that works, you can read in this first article (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) I wrote about the colour red - the colour for Trust, Passion & Confidence (Öffnet in neuem Fenster).

And I also wanted to share something with you, that one of the lovely participants of the CREATRIX School (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) shared with me a few days ago (with her permission).
“In Nicaragua we have a bird (guardabarranco) that commits suicide when it is locked in a cake. It prefers to die rather than be in captivity. What I am trying to say is, that, although I have thought about it, I would never hurt myself physically, mentally, I have felt like that bird many times.
The reason that I am writing to you is, because I’ve been thinking about you and all the great work you have done!! CREATRIX has opened, with my willingness and my belief, the door of that cage, the door to mental freedom.
(…) I feel very good, I feel in peace, and the most important I feel in connection with me on a transcendental level. I am in the best moment of my life, thanks to me and thanks to you. 🙏🏽“
Tomorrow we start with the next chapter of the CREATRIX School (Öffnet in neuem Fenster), for the next four weeks the topic will be Community (Öffnet in neuem Fenster), so if you’d like to join, now is a perfect time :) .

You can read the introduction to this chapter here (Öffnet in neuem Fenster).
I love you & wish you a wonderful evening and a great start to the week.