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Radical ideas on territorial cohesion and ‘a future for all places’?

June 2021

According to Walter Gropius, the founder of Bauhaus, standard concepts that are not continuously scrutinised and renewed become obsolete. Following this spirit, a conversation, organised in the context of the New European Bauhaus, revisited the concepts of territorial cohesion and ‘a future for all places’. It took place online on the 10th of June 2021.

Territorial cohesion is laid down as an aim in the Treaty on European Union (Article 3, TEU). Building on that, the Territorial Agenda 2030 formulated the objective of ‘a future for all places’. Still, actual developments rather point in the opposite direction.

Therefore, it is a good moment to step back and reflect on how we actually understand ‘a future for all places’ and territorial cohesion. Are these concepts still serving their purpose? Do they need some radical rethinking to make them matter?

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Kategorie Cohesion (policy)

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