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Single Market going place-based

May 2024

Single Market going place-based

In April 2024, Enrico Letta presented his report on the future of the Single European Market ‘Much More Than a Market – Speed, Security, Solidarity (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)’. The much-anticipated report was commissioned by the EU Council and the European Commission under the trio presidency of Belgium, Spain, and Hungary. It represents a concerted effort to re-evaluate and enhance the European Single Market in response to both long-standing challenges and the unprecedented disruptions of recent years. As the subtitle of the report reveals, it is about empowering the Single Market to deliver a sustainable future and prosperity for all EU citizens.

The report assesses the current state of the Single Market, proposes strategic reforms, and ensures that the Single Market evolves to meet future economic, social, and technological challenges while promoting sustainable growth and prosperity for all places and all EU citizens.

To have a future, the Single Market needs to offer a future for all places

The report strongly advocates the Single Market and the need to adapt it to conditions of our time and future needs. While the focus is on the economic dimension of the Single Market and Europe’s competitiveness, the report also stresses the social dimension and importance that the Single Market is all of us – and needs to benefit all of us.

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