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Do you know how to change with confidence? ✨

Dear Creatrix,

This is what you’ll find in this week’s newsletter:

► guidance from the universe for the upcoming week

► guidance on how to change with confidence

► some personal updates

► link to the current CREATRIX School (Abre numa nova janela) chapter - 🏡 HOME/Ground Yourself! and the option to join so you can learn how to make all your dreams come true 💕

► link & short description of last week’s lessons in the CREATRIX School (Abre numa nova janela) with the option to join to learn how to turn your home into a sanctuary or to manifest your new dream home 🌸

► link to the current colour PINK 🌷 & option to order your unique 🌈 Wheel of Colours


(Abre numa nova janela) (Abre numa nova janela)

This is your guidance for the upcoming week.

If you’d like to learn more about the PEACE card, go here (Abre numa nova janela).

If you’d like to learn more about the MASTERY card, go here (Abre numa nova janela).

And if you’d like to get a free daily card reading, follow me on Instagram (Abre numa nova janela) & Facebook (Abre numa nova janela).


One of the hardest things is to change among people you love.

Who know you - like you used to be.

Who, if they are not consciously aware, don't want you to change - because it's easier for them if things stay as they are, it's easier for them if you are like they know you and act in a way they can predict.

It's nothing personal, it's just the way we, as humans, work.

So, if we want to change while staying friends with those we knew before, or close to our family - we have to get used to saying:

"I don't want that any more."

"I don't do that any more."

"I don't want to do this any more - could you support me in this?"

One of the hardest things for me was:

"I only want to be with people who want to be with me - and make an effort to show me that they respect and appreciate me."

And to really turn away from everyone else.

Why would I want to waste my time with people who don't appreciate my presence?

But the more we train ourselves to just say: "I don't want that for myself any more" the easier it becomes - and the more we do it, the more we can help, and inspire others to do the same.

If you start saying no to the things that don't serve you any more, that won't help you to grow and become your best self, you make room to say yes to the things, and people which love and support, and compliment, and inspire, and fulfil you.

It's one of these - it's simple - but not easy things.

But the more we train ourselves to just say:

"I don't want that for myself any more" the easier it becomes - and the more we do it, the more we can help, and inspire others to do the same.

PS: If you want to find out what you do want in life, and how to get that - join the CREATRIX School for guidance and support.


As you can see, I’ve updated this newsletter a little bit, and I’d love to hear what you think about it. 💕 I’ve started to post on Instagram and Facebook more regularly, and I felt like the newsletter should reflect that a little.

From now on, you will get a preview of what is happening in the CREATRIX School (Abre numa nova janela) in the upcoming week, rather than a review of what happened in the past week, and you’ll get a preview of the cards of the week BEFORE everyone else on Social Media here.

Working with these cards is really inspiring and fun, it’s kind of funny to create something and then see how it really has a life of its own, that’s quite surprising to me as well. But I love it and I hope you find some truth and can gain some inspiration from them as well.

And I’m back at the Baltic Sea for a while, so here are a few pictures from here.

I send you all my love and wish you a great start to the week.

What can you do more masterfully? Especially when it comes to living or working with others?

Love, Verena (Abre numa nova janela)


Learn how to turn your home into a sanctuary, a place to ground and resource yourself.

We all need a place to restore and resource ourselves. And there is no better place than our homes for that.

In this chapter of the CREATRIX School (or 4-week course), we explore how to let go of old assumptions, expectations and limitations when it comes to the way we live, how to fill our homes with love and how to create the most perfect and sustainable living circumstances for ourselves.

Individual courses are €30 each, and you can buy them in my SHOP (Abre numa nova janela).

Membership options providing you with access to all 13 courses/chapters start at €15/month.

read full introduction (Abre numa nova janela)



read more (Abre numa nova janela)


read more (Abre numa nova janela)


read more (Abre numa nova janela)

► THE COLOUR FOR THIS CHAPTER: (Abre numa nova janela)
Tópico Weekly Newsletter

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