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Hello Mamas,

My name is Izzy and I am a wife and mother to three beautiful babies all aged three and under. I am a born and bred Londoner still living in London with my little tribe.

I am a writer and digital creator and enjoy making content relating to motherhood, marriage, cleaning, and sometimes home renovations. I am also a fully certified life, relationship and parenting coach with a psychology background and also hold a British psychological society recognized qualification in addressing and dealing with postnatal depression.  

I know how tough motherhood and marriage can be and I have created an online space for us mothers to have our village back, it seems in this modern society that mothers are often left fending alone and having to do this journey without support or a community that shares the same daily struggles. I have created this community "MAMABEAR" to share my journey of juggling young babies close in age whilst being married and also taking care of ME. I feel I have so much to give to other mamas out there and also want to connect with others to gain their valuable insight on this wonderful yet hard journey. 

Here you will find helpful tips, schedules, routine, advice, OPEN REAL conversations about the BIG issues within our homes and marriages, parenting hacks, cleaning hacks, and just a whole warm fuzzy feeling of being supported.

 Mothers supporting other mothers can lead to wonderful things happening. 

So here we are, a HUGE warm welcome to you and I look forward to sharing this journey with you all. #MAMABEAR

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