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Hey Mama!

Welcome to my first newsletter and Happy new year! 

January is a month of NEW for me, as I’m sure it is for you as well. I’ve got new business ventures, re decorating the upstairs of our home and a new mindset!

Let’s leap into 2022 together!

My goal here is Inspiring mums to find their best selves and live life to the fullest. 

Whether you are a stay at home mama, working mama or a just trying to figure out what the heck to do mama I am here to help guide and nuture the wonderful mamabear community. Through sharing the daily highs and lows of raising three children while working and running a buisness from home, I aim to encourage, inspire, and uplift mothers.

Stay tuned because this month of January we have lots of fun, helpful advice coming your way.  We will be talking all things sex after babies and much more. So another huge WELCOME to you, I am so EXCITED to have you here.


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