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Happy Thursday, Dolls!

Heartbreak and Heterofatalism, Glüme’s Guide to Cheap Glamour, a scorching editorial and lots more on The Dollhouse this week! Let’s get into all the new content…


The Sleepover Club: Is Lucky Girl Syndrome Real? (Abre numa nova janela)

Have you heard of lucky girl syndrome? The craze sweeping social media is bringing back manifestation and positive thinking for a new generation. With lucky girls taking over TikTok, we're asking if demanding what you want from the universe is uplifting or reductive?

The Transcendence of Girlhood (Abre numa nova janela)

Using a mix of 3D softwares and photography knowledge, Alex McKelley work is transporting us to other realms where we get to peek into a variety of characters' worlds as they go about the relatable mundanities of day-to-day life.

Beauty Archivist: Mugler FW 97 and Why Couture Needs to be Separate from Reality (Abre numa nova janela)

For this months Beauty Archivist column beauty editor Grace Ellington explores the otherworldly Mugler 1997 Fall Couture show.

Heartbreak and Heterofatalism, When Misandry Affects Those It's Not Meant To (Abre numa nova janela)

“Heterofatalism as a concept is less about sexuality itself but is more concerned with how negative gender roles are reinforced through an obsession with pushing blame around on the tail end of heartache.” Esme Hood gets into the concept of heterofatalism in this essay. 

Glüme’s Guide to Cheap Glamour (Abre numa nova janela)

Eden Young sits down with Glüme, the musician, actress and self confessed Walmart Marilyn to discuss the essential ways to achieve the ultimate cheap glam look!

Feel the Burn is the Editorial Interrogating Heat Wave Lovers (Abre numa nova janela)

Alice Louisa gives us Feel the Burn, an editorial exploring the rising temperature and the effects that come with it.

See ya next week!


The Polyester Team <3

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