Happy Thursday, Dolls!

We Need to Talk About Mindy Kaling, Atheists practising witchcraft, and more this week on The Dollhouse! Lets get into all the new content…
The Sleepover Club: Recession Core Is As Depressing As It Sounds (Abre numa nova janela)

We've been cursed with a new 'core' and this one may be the bleakest of them all. Celebrities are no longer wearing necklaces on the runway, minimalism is back, and a new trend dubbed 'recession core' is the latest fixation of TikTok trend forecasters. But does fashion really change in times of economic uncertainty? Ione and Eden discuss!
Why Won’t Television Say the Word Black (Abre numa nova janela)

With the rise of social awareness around anti-Black racism and the emphasised importance of why representation should be implemented in television - the industry is still missing the mark. Luna Danielle explores black representation on TV today.
I thought I was Spiritual, Really I was an Atheist Practising Witchcraft (Abre numa nova janela)

Is it spirituality, or is it a desire to always get what we want? Alice Briselden - Waters shares her experience of how Demon Magick made her realise she’s an athetist.
Moonie is Putting Butch Lesbians at the Forefront (Abre numa nova janela)

Sisters Moonie and Jess Desvarieux joined forces last year to create Moonie, a webseries on trying to find joy in life despite the microaggressions, dating drama and job woes that a group of 30 something, black, queer pals in New York City experience. Eden Young chats with the sisters on their latest project!
We Need to Talk About Mindy Kaling (Abre numa nova janela)

With Mindy Kaling’s recent Velma controversy, JoliAmour DuBose-Morris asks why does Kaling need to make her representations of women of colour such a negative portrayal?
Zhong Xian on the Surrealism of Animation (Abre numa nova janela)

London and Taipei based animator Zhong Xian chats with Charlotte Landrum on her new animated short film Superdog and what inspires her to create!
See ya next week!
The Polyester Team <3