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It’s the online launch tonight..

Have you got your ticket?

I’ll be joined by my friend Dr Helen Lawal who will be hosting the event with me conversation style on zoom at 6pm this evening.

You’ll hear from me, and some of the contributors, and then the mic/and or the chat function will be yours to ask me anything!

Come alone and know you’ll be in the company of our welcoming community, no need to put on your camera if you’d prefer not to, and show up however you feel comfortable from a space you feel most comfortable.

P.S The zoom link will be in your order confirmation email.

Online /24th February / Zoom / 6pm-7.30pm (UK time)

100% of Ticket Sale Profits will be donated to The Ilkley Food Bank Charity (Öffnet in neuem Fenster). A charity that myself and my children were supported by throughout my chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment during my 2 xs breast cancer mountain climb.

I pledged when I accepted that help, that when I was well enough, I would find a way of paying forward the support.

Catherine x

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