Passa al contenuto principale


I’ll keep it short:

Recently, I walked past some magazines – the typical men’s magazines – with their corresponding covergirls.

And what can I say? Beauty is relative, subjective, or whatever.

I didn’t like any of them, and if I were the editor-in-chief, not a single one of those women would make the cover. Not my taste. Not my style. Not my type.

Funny enough, I also have my principles. Even if I had the chance to sleep with them, I wouldn’t.

I’ve heard it so many times from other guys: that they wouldn’t kick a woman out of bed if they had the chance to sleep with her – even if they don’t actually like her.

Those men have no principles.

And I have zero respect for such so-called men.

They’re spineless. And I don’t want anything to do with spineless suckers who lack their own principles – principles they stick to and stay loyal to. I can’t stand that.

Ciao Bella!

Easy. Whatever.

There are more important things.

But I’ve also been told many times that I should reconsider my principles. Which ones exactly? Good question.

Here’s what I know: if a principle totally sucks, or – let’s say – it turns out to totally suck (because you couldn’t have known beforehand that it sucked, otherwise you – or I – wouldn’t have stuck to it), then you should replace it, kick it to the curb (cliché!), or whatever.

You could take a moment to think about whether you have principles you stick to, no matter what others say – and whether those principles might be overdue for a change.

If you don’t have any principles – which I highly doubt, because otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading the Fucking Shorts – well, you’re clearly not unprincipled. That statement just became irrelevant.

It’s more likely that you haven’t clearly identified your principles yet – you just weren’t aware of them.

Well, fix that, buddy!

Because nothing is worse, more pathetic, or weaker than having no principles at all.

Right on.

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