They grilled Ted Bundy – probably the most famous serial killer in U.S. history.
„Burn, Ted, burn!“ – those were the words on the signs held by people who gathered outside the prison on the day of his execution. That was many years ago.
How advanced were the Romans with their gladiator fights compared to today? Nowadays, I’d say the world is so degenerate and depraved that I consider the Romans with their gladiator games to have been more advanced and civilized than humanity today.
Somehow, I can say that.
The most famous serial killer...
Writing it down like that makes me think: statistically, one in a hundred people is a psychopath, which raises so many questions.
For example, considering how many politicians I see on TV.
Police officers, lawyers, doctors, and surgeons.
How many of them are psychopaths?
How many of them, therefore, are more well-known and present in the media than Ted Bundy ever was?
A wild thought, isn’t it?
I assume that whenever I turn on the TV or open a newspaper or magazine, I might be looking into the face of a psychopath. Not all of them have killed someone like Ted Bundy, but I can’t rule it out.
So statistically, I have and will continue to look into the face of a murderer.
I strongly believe that. Anything else would just be naive.
I’d really like to know who among them is a murderer.
We’d have to check out all of them, search their homes, observe them. Do everything to make sure they’re clean.
And we’d have to figure out who the real crazy, psychopathic killer is.
Because here’s what I find much worse:
Ted Bundy eventually confessed and was convicted.
But these bastards lie right to your face, pretending to be someone else.
They lie to me and to so many others. And that really pisses me off.
But ultimately, it doesn’t matter to me, because I ignore whatever they say or try to say to me anyway.
It was, is, and will always be one thing: