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Women are for fucking

But so are men.

Maybe you’re wondering why the topic of sexual intercourse keeps coming up in my stories.

It’s quite simple: sexuality is one of the most important pillars of being human. It defines us more than anything else. There’s not much that can compete with it, I think.

Brushing your teeth and going to the bathroom come close.

Then comes eating and drinking.

Of course, you can argue about which of these are truly essential for survival and which are not.

Well, people don’t fuck enough. They are far too limited in their sexual awareness.

I don’t consider myself the all-knowing father of sexuality. I also have my struggles in one area or another. I couldn’t name them specifically right now, but I’m not entirely denying it either.

Sex is better than war.

And what war implies is clear:

Theft, murder, rape, and much, much more. Basically, everything bad that creates victims.

Let me correct myself:

Consensual sex is better than war.

Is this sentence better than the previous one?

That’s for you to decide – I’ll leave that to you, dear reader.

So, the next time you’re angry, annoyed, or upset about something, figure out how you can concretely change it. Provided, of course, that you don’t harm anyone in the process. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t defend yourself reasonably if someone harms you.

And if you know what you can do to change some shit that doesn’t sit right with you, then do it – and then make sure to have some good sex again.

What that looks like for you – that’s up to you too. You can do whatever you want.

Isn’t that fantastic?

Regular sex makes the bullshit of this world seem a lot less bad.

Just relax and have sex.

Anything else?

Just dare to do something. No matter how or where. Be it during sex or in your everyday life.

That’s all for now. I don’t have anything else to say at the moment, but at least that.

Thank you for your time, and if you want, share something exciting with me about what I’ve just shared with you.

I’d really appreciate it.

Best regards!


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