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REASON #2 - “Why aren’t my Kettlebell workouts working better?” (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

REASON #2 - Compliance.

Some people’s adherence to workout programs is like that joke:

“Hey, I have a shirt just like that, except it’s blue.”

They read the program instructions the way they want to see them.

“3 reps? Why “only” 3 reps? I like 10 reps, so I’m gonna do sets of 10.”

“Front squats? Ugh. I hate those. I’m gonna do [ INSERT SOME LESSER EXERCISE HERE ].”

“Talk test? That’s lame. I’m gonna use EMOM because Jason Khalipa uses them.”

“My shoulder’s killing me. But I’m gonna tough it out anyway. No pain, no gain.”

Now I’m not saying this is you, but if you’re not doing the program as written, then you’re not doing “The Program.”

And as a result, you’ve changed the program, and can no longer accurately assess whether it’s working / worked for you.

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