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Kettlebell Workouts

Learn the secrets to getting the fastest results possible with kettlebell training.
par Geoff Neupert

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I’ve been in the fitness industry since 1993, with a short hiatus between 2018 and 2019.

I’ve had the good fortune to do the following:

    Travel the world teaching people kettlebell training, Olympic Lifting, and how to overcome movement issues – in a phrase – teach people to get a lot stronger…

    Author books on getting physically stronger and more muscular…

    Develop popular workout programs for people to get stronger, more muscular, and leaner…

    Write articles about, you guessed it – getting stronger, more muscular, leaner, and moving without restrictions…

    Qualify for the National Championships and win a state championship in the sport of Olympic Weightlifting…

    Run my own personal training businesses…

    Perform well over 25,000 one-on-one personal training sessions and work with all kinds of folks including grandmothers, middle, high school, college, and pro athletes, and even military special operators…

    Work as a Division 1 Strength & Conditioning Coach at Rutgers University…

    Be a thought leader in the “kettlebell industry” as a Master Instructor with the Russian Kettlebell Challenge certification program and then StrongFirst…

    Rehab my own major hip, knee, and lower back injuries and be physically more capable than I was in my late teens and early 20s…

I think that’s about it – or at least all I want to talk about right now.