Doing the hard things first 💕
My dear friend,
How has your week been? 🍀
I’d like to encourage you to set a goal with me for the next week, something that you’d like to do, something that maybe you’ve never done before or that you always dreamed about doing. What could that be?
Share yours with me by answering to this email, for accountability.
I’ve been pushing myself too hard the past years, so like I committed to chilling more in the last email, I’ll set my goal this week to get out of my comfort zone more and find a mentor for myself and look for some possibilities to collaborate with people.
As always, the last week has been quite busy with working on some things for the Wheel of Colours (Opens in a new window), being more active on Social Media, and updating and taking the CREATRIX School (Opens in a new window) FAMILY course - and it was very interesting for me to see how much my life has changed in just one year, since I last gave this course - and did the exercises myself.
Because I don’t just let my students work, I also do all the exercises myself, as I need to hear everything I teach as much as anyone.
One of the biggest learnings is always to be kinder and more patient with ourselves - and who does not need to regularly be reminded of that?

Apart from that, I also had a very lovely dinner with my two aunts and one cousin, I almost went to an exotic event, and I enjoyed lots of walks and playtime with my dog Tobby.
And, as it is a season full of blossoms and flowers, I made some new collages as well - above you can see two of my favourites from the last days.
And now it’s back to the CREATRIX School, so we can all work on creating the lives of our dreams! (Opens in a new window)Here is a preview of last week’s lessons:

What are your fondest (childhood) memories?
In this lesson, we look at how our culture might have formed our beliefs about what a family should look like, and how we can change them, if we don’t think they serve us any more.
We also look at the things we like to keep, what we are fond of, and what we wish to honour and cultivate.
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Your Inner Child & You
In this lesson, we start working with the Inner Child Archetypes, and we look at how we can process feelings and forgive ourselves and others so that we can move on with more freedom.
What will it take for you to go from feeling sad about something, to feeling like you can change it?
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Your Inner Child & You pt. II
In this lesson, we see how we can use the Inner Child Archetypes to empower ourselves, to see what we would like to work on, to live a more balanced and happier life, and how we can learn what needs to be learned, and heal what needs to be healed, and transform our view of the past and begin to see it as the fuel for the future we want to create now.
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What do you think? Would you like to get clarity on these things as well?
Because when we do the hard things first, like facing our past and making peace with it, everything we do after that, becomes so much easier.
Join us, you are always welcome here.
I send you my love and appreciation and hope that you will have a wonderful week, set some goals and meet them, and enjoy the process of embarking into the unknown.
May you be blessed and well, and always believe that everything good is possible for you - you just have to make it happen. <3