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Just get now Member of this Revolto - Artworkdrawin - Club in here and spend about three Euros the Month. You`ll get just an Free Poster sended up for gettin Yearsmember and for gettin Month - Member You`ll get all Sides- and Groupsadresses of Our Facebookareas!! Just pay about Four Euros then. Soon there will also be an new Sales-Shop on Our own Homepage here in Internet. We`ll just will inform You here on the Side if it`s up online to Go - And If You are an Member of the Original Revolto Artworkdrawin - Community in here !!

Posters, Stickers and Postcards of Original Revolto Artworkdrawinsketches - Motives right up here available - 049 - 172 - 9265888 Seb.
by Sebastian Enno "Sham Indigo Revolto Hope" Höfs

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0% of 2.400 € per month reached
Just will do good offers up to Drawinlearnnwebinars along and buyin Books for that Money along !! Just book also Your webinars 049-172-9265888 of 14.00 up to 20.00 oclock!!

Hi, Friends and Inbuyers - Just come on and get Member here along in Our Businesss - Community - Club right here along !! Just gettin an free Poster for becomin Years-Member - only every Member has to pay the Shippingcosts worldwide up in their home by Paypal - Just cannot afford gettin every Year-Member the Shipping to foreign Countries all along or just also not in the Inlandsshipping !! Just ever be really concrete and fulfilly good informed about my new Projects and the latest Actions of The True Moon Tattoo Inc. also as Month - Member as soon as anything gets along and maybe if You has liked that Status You will like to become Years-Member also in my Memberin-Club here on Steady !!!! "Original Revolto Artworkdrawinsketches" as Posters, Stickers and Postcards (Later on also Bags, Noticeblocks, Pens and Coffeecups will be pressed up by Time along, like Money is about on up for that !! )- Every Poster is 4,80 Euros plus Shippingcosts  - Every Sticker is 2,00 Euro plus Shippingcosts - Every Postcard is 1,60 Euros plus Shippingcosts - there are even every two or three Monthes more and more Articles in here - Just about every Month One or two more brandnew Articles in Uppress !! Just also planned for later on byTime just Pencils pressedup and also Bags and Noticeblocks and Coffeecups along !! The Shop will raise up on ten to twenty Stickersorts and Ten Postcardsorts and also about 12 to 20 Postersorts  and then along comin in One  or Two Hundred Pencils and about an Package of pressed-up Bags planned also withabout four to six Sorts all along and some Sorts of Noticeblocks - Just about six to eight different Variants in here,  some with Letters on - some with just only an Revolto Artworkdrawin pressed  on up !! - Am just startin and have them also for Sale on Ebay and lately will put on also if Me gets ready to Open Up an own Sellershop in there !! Right now in time there are two Sorts of Postcards available - "The Steampunkmasterhead" and "The Steampunkcase" - and two  Sorts of Poster "The Djungleking" and "The Southsea-Tiki - For New Lifes Beginnin" - the first Charge of two sorts of Stickers are sold out by now - about Seventy !1 up under the Folk by now !! There is actually by now - 29.03.2020 only  One Sort of Stickers in the Shop, maybe there`ll be another Sort in the Beginnin of April - Just by Now it`s "The Southsea-Tiki-For new Life`s Beginnin" as Stickers available here in all Sales - Shops of Mine !!  -  You also invited to spend some money for my Firm "True Moon Tattoo Inc." - Just for investin in new press-up-Articles or just for buyin more Drawinschoolinbooks on up for Myself and for the Teachinstudies I make - You may invest some Money in me if You like my Workins - You may watch them on Facebook on "Crazy Buster`s True Moon Tattoo Inc." an Side of Mine where ever the latest Uploads goin in and will be presented there - Have about many Slideshows inside of it where my Artworkdrawins are better be presented !!- So that me will be able to press up more Motives and also may start earlier with Bags and Pens and Coffeecups and also with The Noticeblocks - Need about more Money than I have - Every Month about 50 to 60  Euros for new Drawinschoolinbooks and about 120 Euros for pressing up new Artworkdrawins up to Pressuparticles for the Sales - Shops !! - And also may plan my next Schoolings as more Tattooschoolinweeks in the Tattoo Academy in Munich for every Time about two Weeks just to two Themes being Schooled - Every Time two Days of Drawin by Pen and three Days of Inkin with the Tattoogun !! And in the next Year in 2021 Me will just start up learnin Arts-Therapeuth in Kiel at an Pair of Couple over the Paracelsus Naturhealinpractioneer-Club !! Just for two Years and am needin every Buck til that Time - So just get Member in here and pay me more Schoolingbooks for my "Learnin - to - Draw - Courses with Adults" which I suggest to teach in my Atelier-Livingroom lately if  the Coronaquarantaine  will be ended on up again - Soon Me will just inserate every Thursday and Saturday in our Segeberger Zeitung all along here - Just wishin  me Six to Eight Schoolingpeoples every Week - Just if two  also book Doublelessons me will get good Money for my comin Career !! - Ever also on the Search of new Drawinlearninbooks to all Themes - Just gettin this Month new Books about "Biomechanics", "250 Optic Illusions" and "Drawin Acts like an Professinell" and also "225 Tipps and Tricks about Learnin to Draw" and another One will be "Auqarellic Drawin to learn" and also "Drawin Portrait on up of Photos" and also "Manga - Punk- and Gothic - Figures to draw" and also just "Basisknowledge about to draw" and also "Learnin perfect to Draw - Humans" - Also still got one new about Flowers rght o the last Delivery in the Beginnin of march - there also were in "Hyperealistic Drawin to learn" and also an "Tattoo Colourinbook" for just colourin the Motives for my Buddie Lowy Lowsky to get him to do something Creative again - And also "Jagua" about Equatore-Tattoo-Artworks which are in this Landscapes in the Skin of the Livers up there - and also an Book about Graffitti-Artworks the so caled "Graffitti-Arts - Materials, Technics and Stylez of the Proessionells" - Me just has up to today just drawn about about 5 to 6 Graffitti -Tags and gettin better every Part I am drawin One - And then me has ordered also "Optical Illusions to Draw" - An hopefully helpful Book for gettin an new Understyle of my Original Revolto Artworkdrawinsketches just in an very new Style along with optical Illusions inside of the Artworks - Just get another also with this new Monthdelivery the "25 optical Illusions" - Just will get more and more about optical Illusions and wil do an own Understyle for that where the Illusions are right inside of the Artworkdrawin !! And "Perspectives - Seein Correctly and drawin along" - me now has about three to our about erspectives - One newer One of an Big Package of an Ebayauction with One about perspectives and also one Book about Portraitsdrawins - And just two new again for Portraits / Faces - to - Draw - Just the "Faces to draw" and the "Realistic Portraits" - For Myself in Mainpart but also for my Schoolings if Someones wants to know how to draw Portraits - With that One of the Common Order "Drawin Portraits about off Photos" and "Drawin Portraits with Carcoal, Chalk and Pen" will Me be undyable while drawin good Portraits along - Just have more Possibilities around if me got more Books about this - Me also bought some Monthes ago the Book "Drawin in 15 Minutes - Faces up to Draw" - just an good Series where everything is good Explained Inside of the Books and while the Series is Pradicate The Best Learninbooks ever !! - And the Flower Motive Book is the "Modern Florals" - I have also of an last Order here "15 Minutes in Drawing - Flowers" - out of the whole Series of about 15 Minutes to draw - just gettin also by now in the Common Order The Book "15 Minutes to draw - Colours " and also on my List is "15 Minutes to draw - Animals" which I just choose to put first on the list - Just the "15 MInutes to draw - Colours" was more intensive important for All the Schoolinlessons and better to go while the Schoolinlessons all up will be fulfilled better of with also learnin to draw with Colourpens and get to Know also Aquarell - Drawin - Arts  in the book "Aquarellarts Learnin to draw" - Just as best Price and an very Good Schoolinbook to gettin to know Aquarellpens as Medium to draw and then push the Artwork up with Water so that there is the Aquarelleffect along !! Many of the Schoolinpeoples will just wnatin to learn about Aquarelldrawin- and Paintin there is about 75 to80 Percent likin to daw with aquarelltechnics and wnatin to learn about this !!  Me will also buy the other Book "15 Minutes to draw - Animals" but firsts are different Books on the LIst !! - l buy every Book out of this Series -1 5 Minutes to draw - which I see somewhere - and then on up just written up more on up - the "Hyperealistic drawin" - Just an very Good Book to learn about realistic drawins - My  Case to get better in this Technics - am normally only Impressionist and Surrealist - But also may drawn on up by l am layin an Paper like an Journal or an Newspaper on the Table and just drawn on up by Seein something in Front of this magazinee or Newspapaer and exactely decopyin it  while darwin it along on my Paper - Just also by magazines but I need many many Silent Times fr that - Haven`t really drawn all decopyin by an Masterpicture up o my ppaer for along some Years !!  An exactely Drawin of this Photo will be on my Ppaer after decopyin the Picture and ever look Line by Line how i have to darw that to get an very good Copy of the Original !  Just an good Selection for my Teachinlessons and also for Myself to look through to Fullfine  my own Artworkdrawinstylez every Week just more and more - Will just get the next Ones in May or June about ten books then also with One Delivery-Package along !! Just feel free to contact me - 049 - 172 - 9265888 by Phone - just in Middle - European Timetable from Monday up to Friday from 13.00 up to 20.00 in the Evenins - All Times be there for You !! - Or write an Email up to "" - Me will answer in under one Week mostly also on the same or the next Day on Up for comin soon in Contact along with Us each others !! Just visit also on Facebook "Crazy Buster`s True Moon Tattoo Inc." and make Yourself an Part what "Original Revolto Artworkdrawinsketches"  are - Just have there an liddle Sales-Shop inside and just about five Pressed-Up-Articles available in the Moment - there are new Uppresses every Month about One or Two - Am Just as practionicin to Open Up an New Sales-Shop here on Facebook as Group for gettin more Contacts and Publicity  - Will Just share that Group on every Arts-Side where this is legal and on every Reklame-Side inside of Fb to get an higher Level to Know about my new Sales-Shop here in Facebook !!- Me is also teachin how to draw in private similar lessons here in my Home - !! Attention !!  Right Now In Coronatime there is no Teachinlesson up along until the  sanctiones are takin off again  -  Attention !!" - Then there will be the normal Lessons on up again from Monday to Friday beetween 13.00 up to 20.00 Oclock of Middle European timeline!! - Just feel free if You could be there in my Home in Circle Bad Segeberg - Schleswig-Holstein - Northern Gewrmany exactely in 23812 Wahlstedt - So write me up or Phone me up beetween Monday to Friday beetween 13.00 up to 20.00 Oclock to make Your personally Teachinlessonhoursdates and get an better Pendrawer just by my Lessons here in my Atelier - Livingroom in my Home !! Feel free to contact me about that - I take 10 Euros/Hour  -  Doublelessonsbookin possible and also wished by Me - Me got Time for round about 6 up to 8 Schoolinpeoples every Week  - Right up to now me teaches out of the Knowledge of about 50 Drawin-Learnin-Books and every Schoolinpeople will get the Sides in Copies which we were just schoolin through - So that Everyone may have more looks on the Schoolinthemes in Home again and just Everyone has to buy an Map with Plasticsidesetuis where to put every Drawing inside and put on the next Sides the Copied Lessons so that every Schoolinpeoples has his own Map about the Drawin - Learnin-Lessons at me !! - Just its individuell Theme - TeachinTo -Draw  so  Everyone will have different Themes inside of their Maps. We will just start up with the Question - "What have You still drawn along in Your life ?" and also with "Are You drawin in regular Times every Week or in the Weekends ?" and also "What is Your Finish which You got - What Themes will you like to have learned after sometime comin in my Drawin - Lessons here in my Atelier-Livingroom ??  -  And so there will be an perfect individuell Schoolintheme along !! Just in the next Year in 2021 Me will start up to learn Arts-Therapeuth in Kiel from an Couple of Pair and will just be schooled for two Years along - Hopely my Mum will spend the Money in front lending Case  and let me pay it back by Time then along - So that me will just be able to learn Arts-Therapeuth for the Rest of my Workinglife and of that Earned Money me will do some Tattoointensiveschoolings to similare Themes at the TattooAcademy In Munich just ever two Weeks in One Part and still learnin about two Themes there along - It`s alwys two Days of Drawin by Pen and three Days to learn on the Tattoogun and then get an certificate about the Intensiveschooling along !! Me will get an good Allrounder by that and then travel in Holidays to Fb-Friends up along to work with in their Studios for some Weeks and also for Inkin Up each other - Everyone an Special Flash of the Fb-Friend along !! And me will once or twice do an Southamerica-Tour where also visit many many of my Southamerican-Fb-Friennds here along !! Now You just have heard much about my own Firm, The True Moon Tattoo Inc. and what I deserve to make my Money within - Just Sales-Shops and givin Teachinlessons in Drawin and just learn Arts-Therapeuth from 2021 up til 2022 and then work in Parttime in this Job possibility and save Money for the Tattooingschoolins and Travellin around !! - So, It`s up to You to decide to get Member here along in my Fanclub - You will get right in Your Home only for Payin the Shipping up to You just an Choosen Poster out of the Uppress-Galery out of my Original Revolto Artworkdrawinsketches in Pressups- Articles !! Just only have to get Full Year-Member for 36 Euros payable by Paypal-Cass !! Just gettin ever the brandnewest Information about my Workinlife and my Firm - The True Moon Tattoo Inc. - and If You get Yearsmember just one Free-Poster shipped up in Your Home for only payin the Shipping along !!  Free every Year - just only 36 Euros each Year - Only about 3 Euros each monthes - If You get first Monthes-Member You just ever get in this Month the best Possibilities to buy - in the hottest Pressed-Up-Articles of Mine Original Revolto Artworkdrawinsketches and also the Best Information of about  new Homepage - With two Extrabuttons 1. Orderin by Clientwishes to create an similare Artworkdrawin and 2. To Buy Copies of Revolto Artworkdrawins in Colour for about 6 euros each One and as BlackandGrey - Copies for 4 Euros each One of them - So feel free to join my Club and just get me up some Money along - Will completely reinvest all Payments which comin in here beetween the Year in my Pocket  - Just in new Uppresses for the Sales - Shops or in new Learninbooks about Drawin or just in  new Tattoo - Iitems which to need from Time by Time !!  - Me is just waiting for You all to become my Clubmembers and just get along some Bucks to be more movable in Business - I Promise the most of the money will be reinvested in new Learninbooks about Drawins - There cannot even be enough at any Time on up - And the rest of the Money will be invested in New Uppresses of Original Revolto Artworkdrawins just for gettin an bigger Sales-Shop-Selection Time by Time - Just Get Yearmember now for only 36 euros the Year and get One Poster of the Collection for free up to You - You only have to pay the Shipping up to Your home !! The Poster costs normally 5 Euros and is completely for free - Just please understand that we cannot pay all Shippings of each Member in whole the World by Our Own so That every Member has to pay the Shipping up by themselves along !! I am lookin forward to teach my Schoolinpeopleadults if Coronacaranatine will go over One Day and just get them all good individuell Maps with similare unique Copies of Drawinlessons inside of there and ever the drawn PIcture of the Lessons about that Theme - Just hope to get the new Sales - Shop ready up in this NIght and just will may start to create my Homepage still up the common Week !!! There will be the two Orderbuttons more for 1. Clientwishin-Drawinartworks and 2. Orderin of Copies of Original Revolto Artworkdrawins just in Colour for 6 Euros each One and in BlackandGey - Copies for 4 Euros each One along !! Lots of Hugs, Love and Kisses, Yours Sebastian "Sham Indigo Revolto Hope" Höfs - Join The Revolto Indigo Hope - Club Right Now !!!