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Just book Your special Drawinlearninwebinars with Skype here along !!

Hugs to All along, just here to book up Your own special individuell Drawinlearninschoolings in Webinars just One to One along !! Just - 1. What are You drawin right now? 2.What are you possible still to draw ?? - 3. What do You all wanna learn by Webinars ?? - Just these questions to fulfill and You may start up with me here !! Just under 049-172-9265888 book Your Dates for Schoolins up along !! Just possible is 14.00 up to 20.00 oclock !! Just You choose the Theme along up for the Schoolings !! Or write me an Email to bookup to just willa nswer til one day along !!

In my Webinars-Learnindrawin-Schoolings are all kinds of Themes inside - Just You choose what You wanna learn about in the Webinars ! Important You need Skype along ! And payin is Forcass at Paypal every one Month in forcass along ! Now in the Days of Coronavirus I am nonable to do my Learnindrawinschoolings here up in my Atelier-Livingroom and so I will just give them here on Webinars along ! Every Webinarhour is about for 12 Euros each One along ! Just Doublebookings possible up to two hours for One webinar !! Just book under 049-172-9265888 or write up to "" I will answer beetween one day - If I am once not on Phone just try again please !! Me are drawin now regularly since 1995 and had an own Vernissage in 1999 and just drawn since 2001 every Day or every Night along !! Along by 02/2017  I`ve drawn about 400 Drawinsketches and still have 150 to shade and finalize all up !! I have about 40 to 50 Books there will be still about 12 more in this Month in the Post to me !! Just havin then up to 50 to 60 Books where i am teachin out my Lessons about everything in Drawin - Worlds !! just book now, pay with Paypal and get started !! First lesssondates are in about nine Weeks cause have to go to Hospital for sometime gettin an Huiftprothesis on my right leg of Titan and doin an Sportingrehab along and then Start up with my Webinars along here at Skype !! Just book up still now and be save along ! And also watch on "Original Revolto Artworkdrawin Shop" - Just be able to Buy in there along just five Articles all in there...


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