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Why Double Kettlebell Training Delivers Faster Results (Opens in a new window)

This is a simple concept to get:

There is a greater demand for change (overload) placed on your body with a pair of KBs than with a single KB.

For example:

You can press a 24kg for 5 sets of 5 in 20 minutes.

That’s 600kg of load lifted.

Now chances are better than good you will not be able to press 2x24kg for 5 sets of 5.

But you’ll most likely be able to press a pair of 16kg for 5 sets of 5 in the same 20 minutes.

And that’s 800kg of load lifted - or 33% more load moved, or work performed.

800kg is a bigger stressor on your body than 600kg.

Learn More on My Following YouTube Channel: (Opens in a new window)

Topic Kettlebell Workouts


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