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Uncovering a Dangerous Mistake You Didn't Know You Were Making with Kettlebells (Opens in a new window)

There’s a BIG CAVEAT when it comes to doing Level 4 Kettlebell Programming:

The assumption is that you are ready to use the double are as follows:

1️. Physically healthy - no current ongoing “issues,” like a bum shoulder, bad back, trick knee, or anything of the like

I especially recommend you have no asymmetries - like one shoulder you can put over your head, and the other that doesn’t quite get there.

This is because unlike single KB training that has multiple “degrees of freedom,” double KB training “locks” you into one plane of motion.

And if you have asymmetries, your body will “look for a way out” and you could end up injuring your lower back, or shoulder.

Learn More on My Following YouTube Channel: (Opens in a new window)
Topic Kettlebell Workouts


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