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How to build bigger arms & shoulders AND lose stomach fat at the same time using kettlebells? (Opens in a new window)

“GET THE FAT OFF ASAP!” - Kettlebell Burn EXTREME! (Opens in a new window)

29 days long

6 days a week

20-25 minutes per session

Rapid fat loss nutrition plan included

Recovery plan included

“I NEED A REAL CHALLENGE!” - Kettlebell HARD! (Opens in a new window)

Double kettlebell complexes and chains

35+ programs (varying length: 6-12 weeks)

3 days a week

10-30 minute sessions

Double KB exercises: Swing, Front Squat, Press, Push Press, Jerk, Snatch, Renegade Row, High Pull

“HOW DO YOU MIX THE CLEAN, PRESS, & SNATCH?” - Kettlebell MAXIMORUM (Opens in a new window)

12-week Strength & Conditioning Program (2x 6-week phases)

4 days a week

20-30 minute training sessions

Double Clean + Press, Double Front Squat, Snatch

3 Nutrition Programs

Specialized Warm up / Cool Down included

Restoration protocols included

“NO-THINKING CLEAN + PRESS” - ‘THE GIANT’ (Opens in a new window)

5x Strength & Conditioning Programs

4 weeks each

3 days a week

20-30 minute training sessions

Clean + Press


3x Strength & Conditioning Programs

8 weeks each

3 days a week

20-30 minute training sessions

Clean + Press, Clean + Push Press, See-Saw Press

“UP FOR A NEW CHALLENGE” - Kettlebell RMF (Opens in a new window)

3x Strength & Conditioning Programs

8 weeks each

3 days a week

20-30 minute training sessions

Clean + Jerk

“BEST ‘SNATCH-ONLY’ PROGRAM? - The King-Sized Killer (Opens in a new window)

3x Strength & Conditioning Programs

9 weeks each

3 days a week

20 minute training sessions


“I HATE THIS STOMACH FAT, BUT NOT ENOUGH TO CHANGE MY EATING...” - Kettlebell GHFL (Opens in a new window)

12-week program

3 days a week

3 program choices: Novice, Intermediate (includes Snatches), Advanced (includes C+PP/ C+J)

20 minutes a day

Here are FIVE (5) Ways:

1- Use the Clean PLUS some Overhead Work.

Overhead Work = Press, Push Press, Jerk.

The Clean trains the posterior chain - the muscles that run from the base of your neck to the bottoms of your feet. It also trains the upper back.

This makes you stronger and puts muscle on your back.

The Clean also ramps up your cardiovascular system.

Since it’s explosive, it makes you breathe hard.

As a result, you can burn more calories than you would during slow lifts.

The Overhead work - Press, Push Press, and Jerk - demands your shoulders, upper back (when performed correctly) and your arms do a lot of work.

Overhead work demands they get stronger - more muscular - depending on the load you use.

2- The Snatch

The Snatch is the natural result of speeding up your Clean + Press and not resting / stopping in the Rack position - at the shoulder and upper chest.

It works every muscle in your body. (Or almost.)

And because it’s explosive, it too requires a lot of effort, energy, and calories.

When using the right load, and performed for the proper sets and reps, the Snatch triggers muscle growth in the arms - upper arms and forearms, and also the upper back.

It also makes your lats stronger. As a result many guys report their Pull Ups increasing, or at least maintaining, without training them.

3- “Just Enough” Rest (a.k.a. “As Much As Necessary But As Little As Possible”)

The mistake some guys make with their kettlebell training is that they use “powerlifter rests” - long rests between sets. Like 5 minutes or more.

And that’s because we still want the heart rate elevated so that we can burn more calories both during our training sessions and after.

Generally speaking, the more reps per set, the longer the rest between sets, and vice versa.

4- Sprinkle in the Squats

Since the KB Squats - Goblet and Front - are held / supported IN FRONT of the body, the upper body is critically involved in keeping the KB(s) in position. So the shoulders, arms, and upper back - not to mention your abs - are all engaged.

And since the KB Squat family uses so many muscles, it’s “energy expensive” - once again causing you to breathe hard and burn more calories as a result.

5- Manage Your Recovery

Stomach fat is usually an indicator of higher-than-normal circulating cortisol.

So, get rid of both - stomach fat and higher-than-normal circulating cortisol levels - by doing the following:

[+] Get 7+ hours of sleep per night

[+] Shorten your training duration - 30 minutes is plenty for most guys. 45 minutes max.

[+] Watch your training frequency - 3 days is best for busy, stressed out family guys

[+] Get enough protein - which aids in rebuilding your muscle and the entire recovery process

Topic Kettlebell Workouts


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