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Follow this strategy to avoid "Fooling Yourself" (Opens in a new window)

Pick your #1 goal, and then track and measure the outcome over time.

Most of us don’t want to be “powerlifting strong” anymore.

It takes too much durn time and the cost of recovery is too high.

And most of us don’t want to look like the Hulk (although admittedly, that would be cool - at least without the green skin).

And most of us don’t have the desire to go run 100 mile ultra races.

But being “strong enough,” looking decent both in clothes and with our shirts off, and having the capacity and energy to “do what needs to be done” without sucking wind and gassing out would be a good place to end up, wouldn’t you agree?

That’s why I recommend most guys (and yes, even women) focus on “Re-composition Training” - stripping off body fat and building muscle simultaneously.

(Simultaneously = in the same training block.)

As you do so, along the way you’ll become stronger and “better conditioned.”

Learn More on My Following YouTube Channel: (Opens in a new window)
Topic Kettlebell Workouts


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