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One of the BIGGEST MISTAKES I see guys (especially - not so much women) make (Opens in a new window)

One of the BIGGEST MISTAKES I see guys (especially - not so much women) make all the time is jumping straight from LEVEL 3 to LEVEL 5 training / workouts.

They don’t take the time to learn the lifting techniques for the double KB exercises.

They automatically assume they can use the same techniques for the single KB lifts and apply them to the double KB lifts.

Then they write to me and ask me what they should do for their newly acquired elbow tendonitis, or their bum shoulder that didn’t hurt when they were using a single KB.

Although similar to their single KB siblings, double kettlebell lifts are not the SAME.

And that’s because you’re using more total weight, so you require different leverage.

Learn More on My Following YouTube Channel: (Opens in a new window)
Topic Kettlebell Workouts


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