Solstice Meditation for Peace
Saturday, 21 December 2024
3:00 pm (Italy) | 7:30 pm (Delhi) | 6:00 am (San Francisco) | 3:00am (Auckland)
Special thanks to our partners:
Enacting Peace (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)| Humanity’s Team (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) | Ananda (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) | UNIFY (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

Join our meditation
Why not join us this Solstice Saturday and connect with people from around the world to raise the vibration of peace?
As the sun moves from East to West, we will hear short contributions and reflections on peace and hold space for silent and guided meditations.
We will hear speakers from Australia, Europe, the USA, and New Zealand and enjoy peace songs from Emmanuel Dagher and Peggy Seeger.
Peace is not just the absence of war, vital though that is to our survival.
No human being and no human activity can thrive without peace. For there to be peace, we at least need to hold the still, small voice of peace in our hearts.
Over one and half hours, we will hear contributions from World Upshift Movement members around the world including:
Sarah McCrum and Gary Malkin (Australia)
Lady Mohini (India)
Michael Macy (UK)
Lauren Lamour (USA)
Louise Marra (New Zealand)
We will also hear guest contributions from:
Sister Jayanti | Brahma Kumaris
Emmanual Dagher | Songwriter
David Less | Enacting Peace
Karuna | Founding Mothers
Steve Farrell | Humanity’s Team
Peggy Seeger | Songwriter
Jyotish and Devi Nayaswami | Ananda
Most of all, we invite you to take part from your own home and in your own community in whichever way is meaningful to you .
The Solstice Peace Mediation will be hosted by Roger Casale (Italy).
Join our movement
To keep up to date with our work and that of our partners, why not sign up as a Hummingbird Advocate, Ambassador or Champion?
Help us make a difference by becoming a member of the World Upshift Movement today.
Joining as a member is the best way you can contribute to our mission. to catalyse an upshift in humanity.
We will also invite you to meetings with inspirational speakers such as our co-founder Ervin Laszlo, twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, and networking events with other Hummingbird members.
As W.H.Auden said in his poem 1st September 1939:
“Defenceless under the night
Our world in stupor lies;
Yet, dotted everywhere,
Ironic points of light
Flash out wherever the Just
Exchange their messages:”
Our role is to bring people together and join the dots. We believe this will herald the kind of transformative change that can steer the world away from disaster and we look forward to welcoming you as a member.
To find out more, please also contact us at: (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)