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Join our Equinox Meditation for Peace

Sunday, 22 September 2024 | ONLINE

8:00 am PDT | 5:00 PM Central Europe | 9:30 PM India

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This Sunday, why not take a moment to connect with people from around the world to raise the vibration of peace?

As the sun moves from East to West, we will hear short contributions and reflections on peace from Australia, India, Italy, the UK, Mexico and the USA.

We will also hold space for silent and guided meditations and music.

Most of all, we invite you to take part from your own home and in your own community in whichever way is meaningful to you .

Peace is not just the absence of war, vital though that is to our survival.

Nothing can thrive without peace. For there to be peace, we also need to hold the still, small voice of peace in our hearts.

To keep up to date with our work and that of our partners, why not sign up as a member? (Membership of the World Uphift Movement is free)

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