🌈Do you know how to boost your creativity?
Dear Creatrix,
How was your weekend?
It seems like we had the last summer days in Germany this weekend, and I’ve been enjoying the warmth, feeling the breeze of the wind on my skin and enjoying the warm air and sunshine outside quite a bit.
But there is also not ever a day without creativity in my life, so among many other things, I started to make some illustrations, two of them you can see here.

And as you know, we are talking about our homes in this chapter of the CREATRIX School (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) - and in each chapter we have a closer look at one of the colours from the Wheel of Colours - and this month this is pink - the colour for creativity.

If you’d like to learn more about how to boost your creativity, visit:
https://verenaspilker.com/colour-pink/ (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)Then I recorded a little video about the Wheel of Colours (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) PDF, that you get when you order your unique Wheel of Colours (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) and what it looks like, that you can watch when you click on the image below.

And of course, there’s much more going on each day on Facebook (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) and Instagram (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) now. Basically, just some thoughts and ideas to think about, posts about what we’re doing in the CREATRIX School, and a few more insights into my life and work, so if you’re not following me there yet - now will be a fantastic time to do that.
We also started the HOME chapter of the CREATRIX School (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) last week - so if you are curious to find out how to start moving towards your dream home, and make living peacefully in your new sanctuary your new reality, then I’d love to invite you to this new chapter in the CREATRIX School (Öffnet in neuem Fenster).
https://verenaspilker.com/creatrix-home/ (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)And here is what we did in the CREATRIX School (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) last week:

Welcome to a New Chapter in the CREATRIX School
Our home, our environment, has a big impact on our well-being and the more love we put into the spaces we are in, the more love(d) we feel.
And to feel safe, relaxed and welcome, maybe even inspired, in our homes contributes to how we feel every day and thus has an impact on how we are and what, we think, is possible for us every day.
Homes, decorating and architecture, are some of my most favourite topics, and they are deeply connected to one of my callings as well, so, I’m very excited about this, and I hope you are too.
It’s going to be a fun, practical, theoretical and most probably enlightening experience, and you will have the possibility to really rethink a lot of the things you might have taken for granted so far.
read more (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

Today, we don’t necessarily feel obligated to follow any rules, obligations or traditions when it comes to how we want to live and so with that, we gain the ability to completely (re)invent our lives, the number of options may also easily seem overwhelming, so we choose something, without ever really being clear about the why and if it is really the right thing for us and not just what happened or a rebellion, or to please others after all.
But we can pause for a second and check in.
Because however, we choose to live or end up living, and however you live now or how you would like to live in the future, it’s essential to become conscious about what you do and why, to make confident decisions for the highest good of all – and so that you can thrive and be happy about your life and your choices.
And that’s what we will begin to do in this lesson.
read more (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

Today, we’ll start looking at our current homes and see if we can detect some patterns of things that we’ve experienced in our past that we can also see in our current homes.
Because in the same way that we encounter the same issues we might have already had with our parents in every new relationship we’re in until we resolve them, the same way we may encounter the same issues in every house we move into until we resolve them.
So what do you like about your home and what bothers you?
And how does this relate to your past?
read more (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

I hope you will have a great and creative start to the new week.
And that you are living your best life possible every single day - because you deserve it.
Thank you for being you, and for being here and for believing in yourself.<3
And I hope and pray that you are incredibly kind to yourself, and become more loving and sweet to yourself and joyful about your life each and every single day.