Let’s talk about LOVE 💕
My dear friend,
How are you today? Are you enjoying your weekend?
It’s Sunday morning, seven o’clock, and I sit here with a face and hair mask on (no photo, let your imagination run wild ;) ), already made some dough for something sweet to bake later 🥯 and I am excited to dive back into some work after a complete day away from my computer, yesterday.
This week, I wrote about the colour blue (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) and how we can acknowledge and train intuition (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) in our lives, uploaded the new posters (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) I made in the previous week to the shop (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) and, of course, created three exciting lessons for the CREATRIX School (Öffnet in neuem Fenster), but I also thought a lot about love.
Not the falling in love kind of love, but our (forgotten) ability to love unconditionally.

This was triggered by a very lovely comment someone made, on a post I came across, in which they said: “I’m usually not one to say I love you to strangers on the internet because I don’t know them - but I feel a lot of love for you after reading what you wrote.”
And I could see how what they wrote was meant as reassurance, to make the statement more valid, but I just couldn’t help but wonder: What if we didn’t have to know somebody, which implies somehow that they have to prove their worthiness to be loved, but just loved them?
What if we learned to say: “I love you, no matter what you do or did, think, or thought or who you are!”
Wouldn’t that be what we would want somebody to say to us?
Love is a practice, and to love EVERYBODY, regardless of what they do and how they are, in this world takes some getting used to - at least for those of us who haven’t grown up with that.
I remember the day when I thought about the person I would have the most trouble loving, and let’s just say a former US president came to mind, and how I was walking up and down in my room, like a tiger in a cage, trying to get the words out: “I love you, Donald Trump.“
It was hard. My whole body rebelled. It’s still hard. All my life, I had nothing but disregard for him and people who believed what he believed, and acted like he did - because they hurt so many people I had an easy time loving, people I could relate to, people like me.
But I realized that as long as I have hate in me for him or anyone, I’m no better than him. Not that it’s about being better - but if I actually wanted to be effective in counteracting the hate in the world, I would have to fill my life with nothing but love and love even those I used to hate.
And the same might be true for you, whenever you are ready.
What do you think about that? Is it easy for you to love everyone? Have you tried? Would you give it a try?
That being said, here’s a message for you:
I love you very much. No matter who you are, what you did, what you do, whether you agree with me or not. I love you and I always will, and there’s nothing you can ever do to change that. ❤️
And this is true. And will always be true.
Now, here’s what we did in the CREATRIX School (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) this week:

How to Learn to Love Triggers
In this lesson, we look at why it is so important to unite for a cause and not against someone or something – if we want to create lasting change – no matter how much we might disagree with them or something.
And we look at how love really is always the answer, even, or especially, when someone or something upsets us.
read more (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

How Can We Create a Real Alternative to What We Currently Have?
In this lesson, we talk about how judgement can be a very useful tool on our journey to becoming our most authentic and best selves and create the communities we wish for, as long as we don’t use it to condemn other people or to establish superiority.
We also think about how every trigger is really here for us to grow, and not something to be afraid of or to avoid and how punishment, just like suppression, doesn’t lead to anything beautiful – and what we can do instead.
read more (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

On Freedom, Responsibility and Our Nature
In this lesson, we look at how freedom and responsibility are linked and what that has to do with consciousness.
And how with a raised consciousness also comes more freedom and thus, by raising our consciousness and finding more inner peace, we also obliterate the need for violence.
And we look at another essential thing, that will help us be more aware in our community interactions – our role as humans in nature, in this world.
read more (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)
I wish you a joyful and love - filled week, and I’ll be back next Sunday with more love for you!