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Hi, I’m Verena, the founder of the CREATRIX School.

Hi, I'm Verena Spilker - and this is a portrait of me. Jason Harrell is the photographer. (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

I founded the CREATRIX School because I believe that everyone should have the possibility to live a life that truly fulfils them and makes them happy - no matter where you come from or what your story is.

It’s my goal to help overcome the divisions we see in the world today and to empower every person, who is interested, to be able to live a life that makes them happy, allows them to express themselves creatively, find love and feel free to do whatever they want - as long as it is for the greatest good of all.

The reality for most people today is full of compromises, uncertainty about the future, insecurity about our abilities, our purpose and our powers and the feeling that we need to sacrifice our health, happiness and well-being in order to pay the bills.

I’ve been there myself, when I tried to fit into a system that simply didn’t work for me and made me sick and unhappy.

I quickly came to realize that it was not me who was wrong, but the system.

Yet, being against the system, or trying to change what I could, or to create positive change within the system just made me more unhappy and didn’t change anything for me or anyone else effectively or long-term.

What did change EVERYTHING for me was to realize that I could change my situation and the system - by beginning to change myself and what I believe in.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” - R. Buckminster Fuller

And so I began to look for alternatives and new models, that can work for me, those I love and for you.

What I found is a model that puts you, puts each of us, at the centre.

And I teach what it takes to live in this new way in the CREATRIX School.

To fully step into our power, and to become the CREATRIXES of our lives, requires some unlearning, or maybe a lot of unlearning.

It requires from each of us to take full responsibility for our lives, to be open and honest and to shift from me to we - from working for oneself to working for the greatest good of all - from thinking that the strongest wins, to realizing that we are stronger together - and that we are already part of a system that needs all of its members to be able to be their best, most relaxed, most healthy, most loving, most joyful selves.

Each of us is unique and has gifts to share, we each have a part in this intricate system, that gives us life and each of us in needed and called to contribute in their own way.

And we each can be happy once we (re)discover our desires, needs and wishes, and start to come back to living more authentically.

To start living happy, abundant, peaceful and creative lives, we do not need to wait for anything external to change.

It also doesn’t matter if we’ve experienced trauma, or how much, if we feel depressed or hopeless, are very sensitive, or feel overwhelmed or triggered easily, or if we’re living seemingly successful lives, but feel a deep longing for authentic connection and love in our lives - all of that might even be beneficial, as these feelings how us that the way things are right now is not making you very happy - and that it’s time to try something new.

We can all be successful, by being our unique selves.

We each have unique gifts and talents, views, experiences and knowledge we were either born with, or which we accumulated on our way here, and which we can share with the world.

Is it time to fully acknowledge yours?

Is it time to allow for your deepest desires to emerge and to follow their guidance to a happy life?

You have all it takes to get there, all you have to do is start.

To experience real love and support and live a free, fulfilled, creative & successful life is possible for everyone.

It might sound too good to be true. But it’s really not.

I’m the living proof.

And if you’d like to find out HOW this is possible, you’re invited to join the CREATRIX School (with a free 30-day trial) to try this for yourself.

If you’d like to learn more, you can visit my website:

https://verenaspilker.com/creatrix-school/ (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

Or look at the other articles here on Steady.

Love, Verena (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

PS: I’m just starting to set up the CREATRIX here on Steady, so it’ll take a moment to make all the content available through this platform.

However, three courses are already available through this membership platform and the first six courses are available as PDFs, so if you join you can get started right away.

Kategorie Practical Extras

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