Big push to mobilise EU Citizens’ vote for local elections
Dear Supporters,
I was one of the many EU citizens prevented from voting in the 2019 European Parliament and I know exactly what it feels like to be denied your vote.

This is why I want to help make sure that all EU citizens have their say in the upcoming elections.
It is important that as many EU citizens as possible make their voices heard, as these will be the last local elections in which all EU citizens who have made their home the UK, will be eligible to vote.
New government legislation, coming into force in June, means only those EU citizens, who arrived before Brexit or whose country of origin has a bilateral voting rights agreement with the UK, will continue to be able to vote in local elections. This will in effect create a two-tier system of EU citizens in the UK.
We have no time to spare and urgently need your help in mobilising the vote of EU citizens and Britons abroad - ahead of local elections in England in May.
“Without all voices being heard, these elections cannot be truly representative,” as my fellow campaigner, actor and writer Kate Willoughby, who plays the role of suffragette Emily Wilding Davison, said, when launching our #GetOutTheVote campaign.
With your help, we can reach more EU citizens and Britons abroad, speak to more communities, lobby more MPs and Electoral Registration officers, and raise the profile of the issues in the media.
Thank you for all you have contributed so far - please continue to chip in what you can and do share our request with colleagues and friends.
Chip in here to support our campaign to mobilise EU citizens' vote (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)
The more EU citizens participate in these elections, the stronger will be our case for ensuring all EU citizens will continue to be allowed to vote in the future.
With thanks again and very best regards
Else Kvist, Head of Campaigns
New Europeans UK