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Broken hearts | قلوب مكسورة

Our story today comes from Lebanese author Hilal Chouman, who lives in Canada and writes about the painful and healing ways of remembering...
(Available in the orginal Arabic, English, French, German & Spanish)
قصتنا اليوم هي للكاتب اللبناني المقيم في كندا هلال شومان الذي يكتب عن طرق التذكر المؤلمة والشافية في آن معًا
https://literatur.review/ar/aladb/qlwb-mkswrt (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

Broken hearts
A Lebanese-Canadian story - To Mona Ahmed Seif and Wafa Ali Mustafa
By Hilal Chouman (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)
Hilal Chouman

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