Do you have any regrets?
Dear Creatrix,
How was your week? What did you learn or experience?
Anything you’d like to share with me? I’d love to hear about it!
I planted some seeds, and I’m excited to watch them grow into plants over the next couple of months. I also made sourdough hot dog buns and worked on my website (Opens in a new window) a lot - all of which is making me incredibly happy.
And of course, I saw some new flowers show up in the wild 🌷.

We also had an exciting week in the CREATRIX School (Opens in a new window).
As you might remember from last week’s newsletter, the topic for this month is self-actualization (Opens in a new window), and so we’ve been looking at what we would each like to achieve in our lifetimes, and what the things are that we definitely don’t want to miss - so we can live a life without regrets.
If you’d like to join, you can do so any time and get immediate access to the lessons.

One of the most memorable realizations I had last week was, that way too often we try to get to the goal, without allowing ourselves to practice how to get there.
We try something once, and if it doesn’t work, we think it’s not for us or that we can’t do it.
But, as Epictetus realized and said, other people might be ahead of us, know more in one field or another - because they’ve practised and studied and thought about something more, but if we’re a little better at something than we were before we tried, then we’ve already won a lot.
And every next step will get us closer to our goals - if we allow ourselves to continue and don’t give up.
So here’s to not giving up and taking small steps.
A mantra or affirmation to go with this could be: “My life is getting better and better every day.” - just give it a try (and don’t give up too fast), and see how it will improve your life every day from now on.
It’s easy to think other people have it easier or that we might never catch up or get where they are.
But if we keep going, get clearer and clearer on what really matters to us every day, we will get there eventually, and much faster than if we didn’t even try.
I wish you a wonderful week and will be back next weekend.
And I send you my love.

Welcome to a New Chapter in the CREATRIX School
This is going to be such an exciting chapter! Self_Actualization means to become the best version of ourselves, the version we were always meant to be. In this introduction, we will have a quick look at where we are and start developing a first idea of where we might like to go.
read more (Opens in a new window)

Where do you want to go in life?
In this lesson, we think about death and dying and that our days on this planet are limited – we look at the top five regrets people have on their deathbed and begin to think about how we want to consciously create the rest of our lives.
read more (Opens in a new window)

How can you live a life without regrets?
Living without regrets doesn’t mean living without making mistakes. In this lesson, we look at how we can see mistakes as something to benefit from and learn the practical steps it takes to live a life without regrets.