Are you a CREATRIX? 🐯
My dear friend,
How has your week been? I travelled back home to Hamburg from the Baltic Sea on Friday, and I honestly already can’t wait to be back by the sea again, soon.

The first thing I did when I came back to Hamburg was go to the lake - I’m a water creature, full of feelings and emotions.
And one of the lessons we did in the CREATRIX School (Opens in a new window) last week, about our elements (Opens in a new window), reminded me of that.
I have my Sun and Mercury in Scorpio and my Moon in Pisces - so I feel my way through life, and being close to water always makes me feel at home.
How about you? Do you know about the elements and the impact they have on your life? If not, you can find out more, by clicking on the lesson link below.
But before I share more about what we did in the CREATRIX School last week, I’d like to remind us all of what it actually means to be a CREATRIX and why it may help YOU to see yourself as one. 🐯
And I will start with a question:
How do you live your life now?
Do you feel like you are directing and consciously creating it, or like you are reacting to what others have created?
Because that is the main difference between a CREATRIX and regular people.
As a CREATRIX, you set the tone for your life - by making sure you know how you want to react to things before they happen. And by bringing yourself into alignment so that you can also see how, when you align your thoughts, words and deeds, you can achieve and create anything you wish for.
But to be able to do that, you have to step back for a moment, away from the busy life of reacting to the demands and expectations of others, and find clarity about what you would like to have and how you would like to live your life regarding every aspect of your life.
I went to live in the countryside mostly by myself for two years, to figure out what I wanted and needed in my life, and while I did that I also created a curriculum that will allow you to find that clarity for all areas of your life - without having to leave everything you know behind and isolating yourself.
Instead, I will ask you the right questions, which will allow you to meet yourself, and explore all that you really are, which will then help you to recognize patterns in your life and your strengths and all the things about yourself that make you so incredibly and wonderfully you.
As recognizing your strengths and your powers, your unique gifts and talents and even your superpowers will help you to say goodbye to all the thoughts and beliefs you might have been holding on to, about yourself, and the world, which have been limiting you - until now.
And to create these kinds of changes for ourselves, to start exploring what it will take for us to become a CREATRIX and all we can possibly be, is always beneficial and for the highest good of all - because if you are shy and insecure about who you are - no one gets to see all the beauty you can or could create.
And that would mean that we are all missing out, when we would actually really wish to see you in your full power - so we can benefit from your insights and creations.
So, maybe, today is a good day to start exploring your superpowers?
Because living as a CREATRIX it is so much more fun, than living a regular life. ❤️ (Opens in a new window)And here is what we did in the CREATRIX School (Opens in a new window) last week:

Stepping Into Your Full Power
How much we’ve learned about ourselves in these last lessons!
Now it’s time to bring it all together and to see how we can use our new knowledge and understanding in the best possible way – so that we can really start to create our futures and enjoy our present, instead of reliving our pasts.
read more (Opens in a new window)

Can you feel how connected you really are?
To anchor everything we’ve learned and to ground ourselves, we’re going to look at the different elements and how we can balance them – as earth, wind, fire, air and aether are we what we share with everything that is.
In this lesson, I also introduce a prayer and our new ritual and recipe for this chapter.
Let’s get mystical. ✨
read more (Opens in a new window)

Let’s make sure we are well-supported
Now that we know so much more about ourselves, our purpose, the meaning of life and our role in it, we will look at two more things, which can help us to stay on track no matter what.
One is to find out about our core values, and the other one are the two Source Oracle Cards – because they represent the most important decision we have to make in every second – to proceed guided by love or driven by fear.
read more (Opens in a new window)
I hope you will have an incredibly lovely rest of your Sunday and share your beauty with all those around you.
And if you feel there are possibly some things you have yet to discover about yourself, like that you are actually perfect and that there’s nothing in the world you could ever do wrong, then join the CREATRIX School (Opens in a new window) to discover your true self. <3