Whispers of the earth
The mountains, the sea, the trees
whisper my name.
Heal, evolve, grow with me.
Remember, you have always been a part of me.
You have always belonged.
A creative life was meant for you.
I have always been here, patiently waiting,
for you to remember me.
I am here, welcoming you home,
wherever you may wander.
You can find me everywhere,
I live in all of life.
In a blossoming flower,
in a stranger’s smile,
in a pink cloud floating by,
in a bird’s song that rises,
but most of all, within your heart,
in every kind thought,
every creative impulse,
each breath,
the space in between.
I’m the void, the infinite potential,
the nurturing mother.
I am you, and you are I.
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