What’s your favourite colour?
My dear friend,
How are you today?
Spring is in the air and my dog and I just came home from a lovely walk in the sunshine.
My week has been extraordinary. So many dots connected - I never in my life felt so incredible and unstoppable - so much like myself.
This world is such a wonderful and magical place, and I don’t even know how I could not have seen this so clearly before - everything we want is already here, and we have all it takes - all we have to do is to believe in ourselves.
(Not that that’s easy, but I know now, how it can be done - and you can learn that too, in the CREATRIX School (Abre numa nova janela).)
I saw this post today and felt it describes my life and the work I do quite well:
So, I’ve been practising handling the joy and on the way, I created A LOT.
I made around 20 images to go along with the articles I’m writing about the Wheel of Colours (Abre numa nova janela), and they will be available in my shop soon so that they can support you in activating the different colours - and their qualities - in your life.
In the last newsletter I already shared the link to the article about activating the colour red - trust, passion & confidence (Abre numa nova janela) in our lives.
This week I wrote about the colour yellow (Abre numa nova janela) - which really is about unconditional love, but since that’s reaching quite high, we can call it warmth, authentic connection and support (Abre numa nova janela) for now.
And, of course, we also started a new chapter in the CREATRIX School (Abre numa nova janela)- this time talking and thinking about communities (Abre numa nova janela).
If you’d like, you can read the introduction (Abre numa nova janela) to this new and exciting chapter on my website, and of course, you are very much invited to join.
Here’s what we did this week:
Welcome to a New Chapter in the CREATRIX School
Starting today, and for the next four weeks, we will think about how we can be at our best with others and how we can use our unique abilities, gifts and talents to contribute to the greater good of all.
As the first week of each chapter in the CREATRIX School is all about assessing where we are, so we can let go of what doesn’t serve us any more, and invite more of what we do want, we start this chapter by looking at our hopes for the future of our world as well as the experiences we’ve made in community so far.
read more (Abre numa nova janela)
What do we mean when we say communities, and why do we need them?
There are different ways for communities to be organized. Sometimes, all people are equal and come together to organize things as equals.
Sometimes, there’s an initiator, or someone who finances the project and other people who organize and implement it.
Sometimes, there are some people who are paid and other people who volunteer.
What are the different kinds of projects or communities you have been involved in, or would like to get involved in, in your life?
read more (Abre numa nova janela)
How do you envision our future?
It’s easy to think there are so many problems in this world – what am I supposed to do about it – I can’t do anything but make the best of it – and that’s true to some extent – but also not entirely.
Because we’re not just here to get by. We’re not just here to arrange ourselves with what is already here – we are life and a part of the great symphony of life that’s playing right now, in this moment, and we get to contribute to it.
read more (Abre numa nova janela)
I wish you a colourful and sunny week, and hope you feel all the love the heavens are sending down for you!
I send you my love as well ❤️