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Join me in my Steady Adventure

Welcome, welcome, thrice welcome!

It is an absolute pleasure having you here - thank you for visiting my crowdfunding space here with Steady (Abre numa nova janela).

I’d like to show you a little what you may expect from it and what you will get if you decide to join me in My Steady Adventure. 🥳

First, do have a quick look at my latest appearance with Alan Sisto’s Fandom Friday (Alan of the Prancing Pony Podcast (Abre numa nova janela)’s fame, of course.) (Abre numa nova janela)

Now, you may have seen my slogan here or elsewhere:

Marcel R. Bülles is creating reports, reviews & rants on all things Tolkien as well as hosting the free bi-weekly newsletter, "The Roving Ranger".

Well, there is actually quite more to it!

Right now I am working on a few other things but do check back from time to time - there is more to come.

All the best from Jena,


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