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Join me in my Steady adventure!

creating reports, reviews & rants on all things Tolkien as well as hosting the free weekly newsletter, "The Roving Ranger".
por Marcel R. Bülles

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Plano 1 de 3: Membership to Hobbit standards
4,50 € por mês
54 € faturado anualmente — Poupe 10%
1 adesão como convidado

• Support my work on the Roving Ranger
• Get extra and earlier news on things actually newsworthy and/ or interesting
• Allow for more in-depth reporting on all things Tolkienian
• 200+ exclusive member posts for you to peruse, from Fingolfin's Findings to the Tolkien References Project, from all things Oxford & Tolkien to MeMes (Middle-earth Memories) and more.
• My thanks and gratitude.

Enter the hobbit hole ☺️

Plano 2 de 3: Membership to Elvish Standards
13,50 € por mês
162 € faturado anualmente — Poupe 10%
2 adesões como convidado

• Everything the Hobbits get!
• Early access to Steady-only reports, rants and reviews (at least twice a month!)
• Three postcards a year when you wish for them - maybe from Oxford?
• Out-takes and other audio messages and news from a podcast (or two) in preparation at the moment.
• My thanks and gratitude.

Plano 3 de 3: Membership to Arda Standards
29,70 € por mês
356,40 € faturado anualmente — Poupe 10%
3 adesões como convidado

• Everything the Hobbits and the Elves get!
• Get access to on-going research, plans for Steady,, publications, projects and more
• Be part of my travels and get reports, rants, and reviews as well as audio snippets from the places I am going to, keeping you up to date with places, people, and fandom
• There might be a book in the making - or possibly a digital publication on a regular basis? Keep informed about all of my plans like getting you an annual PDF magazine with the best from the Tolkienist
• Probably something else.
• My thanks and gratitude.

Plano 1 de 3: Membership to Hobbit standards
4,50 € por mês
54 € faturado anualmente — Poupe 10%
1 adesão como convidado

• Support my work on the Roving Ranger
• Get extra and earlier news on things actually newsworthy and/ or interesting
• Allow for more in-depth reporting on all things Tolkienian
• 200+ exclusive member posts for you to peruse, from Fingolfin's Findings to the Tolkien References Project, from all things Oxford & Tolkien to MeMes (Middle-earth Memories) and more.
• My thanks and gratitude.

Enter the hobbit hole ☺️

Plano 2 de 3: Membership to Elvish Standards
13,50 € por mês
162 € faturado anualmente — Poupe 10%
2 adesões como convidado

• Everything the Hobbits get!
• Early access to Steady-only reports, rants and reviews (at least twice a month!)
• Three postcards a year when you wish for them - maybe from Oxford?
• Out-takes and other audio messages and news from a podcast (or two) in preparation at the moment.
• My thanks and gratitude.

Plano 3 de 3: Membership to Arda Standards
29,70 € por mês
356,40 € faturado anualmente — Poupe 10%
3 adesões como convidado

• Everything the Hobbits and the Elves get!
• Get access to on-going research, plans for Steady,, publications, projects and more
• Be part of my travels and get reports, rants, and reviews as well as audio snippets from the places I am going to, keeping you up to date with places, people, and fandom
• There might be a book in the making - or possibly a digital publication on a regular basis? Keep informed about all of my plans like getting you an annual PDF magazine with the best from the Tolkienist
• Probably something else.
• My thanks and gratitude.

Até agora 40 membros apoiam The Tolkienist's Roving Ranger and more com 398 € por mês

Objetivo atual

53% de 750 € por mês alcançado
I will be able to write four posts a month for you as well as providing background information on the latest relevant news.

My name is Marcel R. Bülles, the author of, a specialist blog centering on worldwide Tolkien fandom, geekdom and research. I work as a freelance translator, journalist and writer and I am the founder of the German Tolkien Society as well as a co-founder to RingCon, Europe's formerly biggest fantasy film convention, which continues to this day as MagicCon. 

You can find me in cafés all over the world sipping an espresso blogging, writing, reading. At one point I was married to an extremely lovely French lady by the nickname of Sauron. Yes, that Sauron. I am also active with the International Tolkien Fellowship on Facebook and the Tolkien Folk on Instagram and have also (co-) founded half a dozen smials and the only Tolkien university group Germany has ever had. I usually try to be a member of at least three to four Tolkien societies 😄

Basically, I simply love bringing people together who share my appreciation for J.R.R. Tolkien's life and works whenever and wherever I can. 

And you can help me do even more by becoming a member in this 'Steady Adventure!' 🥳

You'll get access to reviews, reports and rants on all things Tolkien & fantasy from my thirty+ years of Middle-earth experience and  the latest news on all that is happening on J.R.R. Tolkien with literary  societies, fan clubs, social media and more. 

Maybe even a podcast or two, who knows! 

The first is probably Asleep in Arda, reading out the entries published on the leading Tolkien wiki on the internet, Tolkien Gateway. Enjoy!