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#10 Sheena Talma — Exploring the deep sea in submersibles

Welcome to another episode with The Ocean Embassy. Today, I am welcoming Sheena Talma, a marine biologist from the Seychelles. I met Sheena at an event at MIT Media Lab, All Hands on Deck, in November 2018, where I also met my first (and soon returning) podcast guest, Jeremy Raguain. Back then, they were both working for the Seychellois government. Those who listened to the first episode, will have learned from Jeremy how he has been working at the United Nations and Alliance of Small Island Nations to advocate for the protection of the ocean on this high international level.

With Sheena, we are talking about similar work in terms of working to advocate for small island nations in the Global South. Sheena has been working with the Nekton Foundation for several years, where she accompanies scientific explorative dives to the deep sea, which means well below 200 meters. Sheena tells us about the necessity of this work, how the Nekton Foundation is working together with local governments and why human exploration is still so relevant.

Personally, I've always had this innate desire to dive down to the deep sea in submersibles, so I am honestly absolutely jealous of her work!

I hope you enjoy this episode with Sheena!

Tópico Exploration & Technology