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Support Sham Jaff

This newsletter takes you "behind the scenes" in the life of one non-white journalist, Sham Jaff.
por Sham
Plano 1 de 1: Standard-Mitgliedschaft
6 € por mês
72 € cobrados anualmente

• Unterstütze meine Arbeit
• Werde Teil meiner Community

Plano 1 de 1: Standard-Mitgliedschaft
6 € por mês
72 € cobrados anualmente

• Unterstütze meine Arbeit
• Werde Teil meiner Community

Até agora 2 membros apoiam Sham Jaff com 10 € por mês

What to expect

A hopefully regular exchange of ideas about "white" knowledge production, "decolonization" of the self and new futures. Available in English and German.

Become a subscriber

Don't let social media tell you when to engage with this newsletter. Subscribe for free to get new posts directly into your inbox. If you're feeling generous, you can also support my work as a non-white journalist by contributing financially every month.