Happy Thursday, Dolls!

Dating Apps, Binge Reading, Existentialism and lots more on The Dollhouse this week! Let’s get into all the new content…

Britney Spears is once again the focus point of internet gossip. But unlike in the early 00s, we now all have the ability to comment, dissect, and tear apart celebrities behaviour. Are we sleepwalking into another nightmare, in which marginalised celebrities are treated with no regard for their wellbeing?
Book Binging: Does Reading Too Much Ruin the Meaning? (Abre numa nova janela)

With BookTok, Goodreads pledges and the pressure to consume as much as possible, is there such thing as reading too much? Mia Autumn explores the rise of binge reading in this essay.
Modestycore: A Bimbo Oil Heiresses Story (Abre numa nova janela)

“Modestycore” is a video performance piece by Maya Ben David (MBD) and DeadMan that explores the politics of sensuality, purity, shame, and self-preservation.
Dating Apps and The Paradox of Too Much Choice (Abre numa nova janela)

Serene Madani explores the landscape of modern online dating and the paradox of choice in this essay!
Bros Before is the Film Adding the Fun Back into Trans Representation (Abre numa nova janela)

Chicago based filmmaker Henry Hanson chats about his new short film Bros Before, the trans experience on film today and hyperpop!
Film Fatale: Party Girl and the Existentialism of Your Early 20’s (Abre numa nova janela)

For this month’s Film Fatale column Charlotte Landrum writes about Party Girl starring Parker Posey and how it’s the ultimate film for the dread of your early 20’s!
Queer Whore Collective: Sex Worker Prejudice in the National Health Service (Abre numa nova janela)
In this personal essay, Annabelle explores the discrimination sex workers face from the NHS.
See ya next week!
The Polyester Team <3