Happy Wednesday dolls!
How are we all? I hope you’re all well <3 Okay so this week we’ve soooo much good content, I’m obsessed. Let’s have a looksie.❤️
Autograph Hound (Abre numa nova janela)

Autograph Hound (Abre numa nova janela) by Actress Sarah Ramos is a multi-media exhibition about the intersection of fandom and fame. It documents years of Sarah's celebrity encounters, as a starstruck young girl.
Click here (Abre numa nova janela)for a sneak peak of what the show has in-store.
Eve Esfandiari Denney On Poetry as Gathering Ephemera (Abre numa nova janela)

British Iranian/Roma poet Eve Esfandiari-Denney’s debut publication My Bodies This Morning This Evening is out this year with Bad Betty Press. Fellow British-Iranian poet Hasti asks about her influences and journey into poetry, especially as a mixed heritage woman who has lived through chronic illness.
Read the interview here (Abre numa nova janela).
Culture Slut: Lost In Late Night Movies (Abre numa nova janela)

This months Culture Slut by Misha Mn is all about late night movies, broadcasts and transgressional cinema.
Read the full essay here (Abre numa nova janela).
X Looks at Desire with Joy, Longing and Terror (Abre numa nova janela)

Although pop culture feels sterile and sexless at the moment, X by Ti West is bringing so well needed zest into the culture. Sam Moore penned this essay for us about X, desire, longing and more.
Click here to read the full piece (Abre numa nova janela).
A Philosophy on Sexting (Abre numa nova janela)

Writer Elissa Fertig is exploring the philosophy of sexting and how gender politics affects the way one 'performs' in front of the camera lens or the cell phone.
You can read the full essay here (Abre numa nova janela).
SickSadGirlz: Let's Talk About Shame (Abre numa nova janela)

Our besties Kenzie and Rosa are back in the Dollhouse with the best advice. This months SSG column is all about shame and dealing with shame as a disabled person.
Read the full column here (Abre numa nova janela).
Madonna Complex (Abre numa nova janela)

This collage series by Meg McWilliam explores how the “Madonna Complex” drew this divide between the good girls and the “sluts”. This series creates something for the girls who want to be both.
See the full series here (Abre numa nova janela).
That's all for now folks. We hope you have a lovely rest of your week.
The Polyester Team <3