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Hello hello hello to our lovely supporters <3

Welcome to our #17th No-Nonsense Newsletter. The newsletter where we give you all of our team recommendations. Here's what we are vibing with this month x

💋 Lets get into it! 💋



BOOK: Such a Fun Age, Kiley Reid - I flew through this book in one day on Sunday, it's such a mad story that really felt like watching a series of a really good show, really well paced and had me gasping over and over. The premise is about a Black babysitter who gets accosted by police when out with her client's white kid, then the child's mother really overcompensating for the trauma she's been through. Loads of nuance about privilege and a really juicy plot too.

FILM: Crash, David Cronenberg. Films used to be FILMS!! Really into sexy 90s thrillers atm and this is such a good one. So homoerotic and heteroerotic and roboerotic. This film walked so Titane could run!

ESSAY: The Extreme Self, Shumon Basar - Me, Eden and Charlotte went on a Poly gals evening out to Peste in Manchester that was doing AI readings of some of Basar's essays and they were so good that I bought his book! It's really more of a non fiction, graphic novel sort of manifesto I suppose, but really got me thinking about how technology and social media is shaping us without hitting that cringe spot a lot of writing on this does.


PODCAST: Bad Gays Podcast - been listening to this loads recently. really interesting deep dives into evil and complicated queer people throughout history. the Truman Capote episode is excellent and a bit of background history before the release of the new Feud about Capote and his socialite besties (starring Molly Ringwald, Demi Moore, Naomi Watts and Chloë Sevigny!!!!) 

TV: The Last of Us goes without saying because i feel like EVERYBODY is obsessed with it but The Last of Us is some of the best tv i've ever seen in my LIFE. the world they've built is so realistic. i love the fact that it's all real sets and they've tried to use as many practical effects as they can for the zombies. TV masterpiece. requesting a big smooch from Pedro Pascal for my birthday xoxo

GAME: Stardew Valley - i've been obsessed with this game for years but they've recently updated the mobile version where there's a brand new tropical island you can explore with loads of cute missions. it's got animal crossing vibes, you can just explore and fish and plant vegetables on your farm or you can make friends with the villagers. it's so calming and nice just to dip into when you're stressed and want to have a lovely time wandering about your farm.


TV: Big Little Lies!!! I'm very late on this, but I've just finished season 1 and I'm obsessed. You've heard of dark academia but now it's time for dark costal grandma.

BOOK: I'm currently reading Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach and I highly recommend it for people prone to anxiety and obsessive thinking.


TV: Extraordinary on Disney. Definitely not my usual thing because I hate anything to do with superheroes but I’m off sick and needed something to watch. It’s less superhero focused and more based on the characters and storylines and friendships. Not going to spoil the plotlines but soundtrack slaps, features Sleigh Bells and Courtney Barnett and Mitski and Princess Nokia and allsorts. It’s like if Misfits met Derry Girls met Awkwafina is Nora From Queens.

C ya soooon 🥰


Charlotte ❤️

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