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Here’s what I’d do to fix Pain, Mobility, and Experience issues so I could Clean + Press - PART 1 (Abre numa nova janela)

Here’s what I’d do to fix those 10 issues so I could Clean + Press if I wanted to.

The issues:

1 - You have little to no kettlebell training experience, and haven’t wrapped your mind around the Swing and the Turkish Get Up

2 - You have active shoulder, elbow, or wrist pain

3 - You don’t know how to Clean the KB without banging your wrists or shoulders (or both)

4 - You have active knee pain

5 - You have restricted shoulder ranges of motion - specifically, putting your arm straight over your head

6 - You have active neck, mid-back, or lower back pain

7 - You can’t “hinge” properly into your hips and you round your lower back on your Cleans

8 - You don’t like either exercise - the Clean or the Press

9 - You have active groin or hip pain

10 - You have some other health condition (like a hernia) that would either prohibit you from performing the Clean + Press or be exacerbated by doing it

Learn More on My Following YouTube Channel: (Abre numa nova janela)

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