What's got my attention this week
Want some ideas for things to read, watch and listen to this weekend? Look no further...

Nasibe Samsaei, an Iranian woman living in Turkey, cuts her hair during a protest outside the Iranian consulate in Istanbul, following the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini
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• If you've been following the Iranian hijab protests (or if you haven't), here are a few interesting takes: The bonfire of the headscarves (Si apre in una nuova finestra), Iran has lost sight of its greatest asset: its women (Si apre in una nuova finestra), and, as Mona Eltahawy points out in her newsletter, Feminist Giant, it's not only Iran that's lost sight of its women (Si apre in una nuova finestra), we need to remember to look closer to home...
• Want to know what brain fog really feels like? (Si apre in una nuova finestra) This piece comes as close to nailing it as any I've read (and I've had it twice, as a result of both perimeno and long covid).
• Primark now sells menopause clothes. (Si apre in una nuova finestra) Not really what we had in mind when we begged the high street to pay attention to older women!
• How to recharge your social battery (Si apre in una nuova finestra).
• This woman is 83 and legally blind (Si apre in una nuova finestra)– is that why no-one will assist her in a sex shop?
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