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Mein Name ist Ole (Si apre in una nuova finestra), ich war zwei Wochen nicht so richtig im Internet und habe es vermisst. Hier kommen die Links, die ich auf mir auf Twitter zurückgelegt habe und die ich in den vergangenen Tagen aus den diversen Newsletter-Abos geklickt und dann nicht vergessen habe.
TikTok is the new Facebook – and it is shaping the future of tech in its image (Si apre in una nuova finestra): »A little-noticed policy shift in May: the release of the TikTok login kit. The tool set permits third-party app developers to allow users to log in to their apps using their TikTok account. In other words, TikTok is set to become a portal to the rest of the internet.«
Stop fucking waiting for the platforms to give us data (Si apre in una nuova finestra): Über Facebooks super seltsamen »Widely Viewed Content Report«, der sich gegen die Statistiken wendet, die das Facebook-Tool Crowdtangle ausspuckt und nach denen die Links mit dem größten Engagement aus der alt right Bubble kommen, was Facebook so nicht stehen lassen möchte, weil Engagement nicht gleich Sichtbarkeit ist.
Can ever really know what the hell is happening on a platform this big? (Si apre in una nuova finestra) Charlie Warzel über das, was Facebook verrät: »It’s just…strange as hell!«.
Facebook erfindet »Second Life« neu (Si apre in una nuova finestra): Facebook hat einige seiner eigenen Konferenzen in die virtuelle Realität verlegt. Also Konferenzräume nachgebaut. In VR. That's it. That's the story.
🎧 Loud Numbers (Si apre in una nuova finestra): »Data sonification is the process of turning data into sound, and we take it a step further by turning those sounds into music. In each episode, we introduce a data story, explain how we sonified it, and then play the sonification we’ve created.«
Noch nicht gehört, aber:
🎧 The Thing I'm Getting Over (Si apre in una nuova finestra): Peter Purgathofer empfiehlt diese Episode von »This American Life«, um unser post-pandemisches Zeitalter zu verstehen, ab Minute 45.
🎧 Nano & Digital Cash w/ Patrick Luberus (Si apre in una nuova finestra): Max von Webel und Michael Seemann empfehlen diese Episode von »When The Music Stopps«, in der ein Crypto-Anhänger
Afghans are racing to erase their online lives (Si apre in una nuova finestra): Every photo and every data point is a link to the old way of life in Afghanistan – and a reason for Taliban retribution.
Scammer Service Will Ban Anyone From Instagram for $60 (Si apre in una nuova finestra): An underground industry is abusing Instagram's mechanisms for removing self-injury and impersonating content to censor and harass people.
Jane Wickline on taking comedy TikTok to the next level (Si apre in una nuova finestra): The 22-year-old explains how she writes and produces some of the most elaborate sketches on the app.
Lil Nas X Is Gen Z's Defining Icon (Si apre in una nuova finestra): Lil Nas X embodies Gen Z in his scrappiness, in his fluency in internet culture, and in his unapologetic self-expression.
The inaudible Dune (Si apre in una nuova finestra): An audiobook narrator spent two months creating a new audio edition of Dune, only to discover that the entire project was a scam.
The New WikiLeaks (Si apre in una nuova finestra): How the transparency collective DDoSecrets eclipsed Julian Assange.
Bezahlschranke runter (Si apre in una nuova finestra): The New York Times is making about a third of its newsletters subscriber-only.
Gawker: The Return (Si apre in una nuova finestra). After a failed reboot attempt two years ago, the site that helped set the tone for digital journalism is back. Und zwar mit intellektuellen Spielchen wie einer Kritik der N+1-Kritik »The Intellectuals are having a situation (Si apre in una nuova finestra)« wie mit snarky takes a la »Facebook: Our content is not right-wing, it just sucks (Si apre in una nuova finestra)«.
You're supposed to love nature, so I kept my mouth shut (Si apre in una nuova finestra): A Field Guide for Nature-Resistant Nerds.
Bad News: Selling the story of disinformation (Si apre in una nuova finestra). Joseph Bernstein arbeitet bei BuzzFeed und ist Nieman Fellow, hier schreibt er für Harpers über die große Erzählung von all zu leicht beeinflussbaren Menschen und den ach so mächtigen Algorithmen. Nebenbei liest sich das Stück so, als hätten hier mehrere Menschen um jedes Wort gefeilt, sorgfältig und erfrischend.
»Behold, the platforms and their most prominent critics both proclaim: hundreds of millions of Americans in an endless grid, ready for manipulation, ready for activation. Want to change an output—say, an insurrection, or a culture of vaccine skepticism? Change your input. Want to solve the ›crisis of faith in key institutions‹ and the ›loss of faith in evidence-based reality‹? Adopt a better content-moderation policy. The fix, you see, has something to do with the algorithm.«Your inbox is now a shopping mall (Si apre in una nuova finestra). What Are Stores Even Thinking With All These Emails?
Is this what the metaverse looks like? (Si apre in una nuova finestra) I Joined a Penguin NFT Club Because Apparently That’s What We Do Now.
📚 Something New Under the Sun (Si apre in una nuova finestra) ist das zweite Buch von Alexandra Kleemen, der Meisterin der surrealen Alltagsüberdrehung. Ein Ostküsten-Autor geht nach Hollywood, um die Verfilmung seines Buchs zu begleiten – und schlittert in die brennende Anthropozän-Hölle Kalifornien, in der Wasser längst privatisiert wurde. Was für ein Buch! Der Guardian findet es (Si apre in una nuova finestra) »sun-drenched, sharply observed and swift-moving« und besser noch: »the experience of reading it is oddly surreal – it exposes unsettling truths about this ›world as a whole, trembling with life and violence‹, hiding in plain sight.«
100 Pandemic Technologies (Si apre in una nuova finestra): What kinds of societies are we building? what trade-offs are we willing to make? and do these techno-solutions help us succeed in controlling the virus, or only in controlling the hosts?
»Welcome to the Mesh, Brother« (Si apre in una nuova finestra): Über die Freifunker von New York, die guerrilla-artig W-Lan in der Stadt aufsetzen. NYC Mesh, a band of a few dozen tech volunteers, takes on Verizon and the big »incumbent providers,« with the promise of inexpensive community internet.
Why China’s crypto cowboys are fleeing to Texas (Si apre in una nuova finestra): Tracking the Bitcoin bros seeking cheap power, lax regulation, and Austin’s best brisket.
Moonbeam (Si apre in una nuova finestra): Noch eine App, die das Teilen und Empfehlen von Podcasts über kurze Ausschnitte voranbringen will. Ich höre relativ viele Podcasts – und noch nie hatte ich das Bedürfnis, so eine App zu nutzen. Hm?
LÖVR (Si apre in una nuova finestra): An open source framework for rapidly building immersive 3D experiences. Nimm das, Second Facebook Office Life!
Internet Explorer
Nestflix (Si apre in una nuova finestra): Fictional movies within movies? Got ‘em. Fake shows within shows? You bet. Browse our selection of over 450 stories within stories.
Geolocating Images Using Creativity and SunCalc (Si apre in una nuova finestra): Eine visuelle Investigation. Stark!
Alien: David-Cut (Si apre in una nuova finestra). Jeff VanderMeer hat sich alle, alle Alien-Filme angesehen – und jemand reicht einen Link rein: Es gibt einen Recut, der den Roboter David in den Mittelpunkt stellt.
Death Trash (Si apre in una nuova finestra): Wenn ich spielen würde, wenn ich Fantasy mögen würde, wenn ich Retro mögen würde, dann wäre das hier sicher was.
Into the metaverse!
Das war Ausgabe #72 von THEFUTURE (Si apre in una nuova finestra), dem Newsletter über das wilde Internet und die Zukunft der Medien von Ole Reißmann (Si apre in una nuova finestra).